A dynamic size-based time series feature and application in identification of zinc flotation working conditions


论文作者:唐朝晖 范影 郭宇骞 罗金 张国勇

文章页码:2696 - 2710

Key words:froth flotation process; froth size distribution; working condition identification

Abstract: Conventional feature description methods have large errors in froth features due to the fact that the image during the zinc flotation process of froth flotation is dynamic, and the existing image features rarely have time series information. Based on the conventional froth size distribution characteristics, this paper proposes a size trend core feature (STCF) considering the froth size distribution, i.e., a feature centered on the time series of the froth size distribution. The core features of the trend are extracted, the inter-frame change factor and the inter-frame stability factor are given and two calculation methods of the feature factors are proposed. Meanwhile, the STCF feature algorithm was established based on the core features by adding the inter-frame change factor and the inter-frame stability factor. Finally, a flotation condition recognition model based on BP neural network was established. The experiments show that the recognition model has achieved excellent results, proving that the method proposed effectively overcomes the limitation of the lack of dynamic information in the existing traditional size distribution features and the introduction of the two factors can improve the classification accuracy to varying degrees.

Cite this article as: FAN Ying, GUO Yu-qian, TANG Zhao-hui, LUO Jin, ZHANG Guo-yong. A dynamic size-based time series feature and application in identification of zinc flotation working conditions [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27(9): 2696-2710. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-020-4492-x.

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