

论文作者:杨耀东 姜勇 冯雅丽 张文明 常举

文章页码:295 - 300


Key words:composite wheeled submarine vehicle; composite wheels; over-obstacle capacity; simulation analysis

摘    要:针对深海富钴结壳和热液硫化调查区复杂多变的底质环境特征,制备一种复合轮式海底行走机构,该海底行走机构主体由4组复合轮组与铰接式车架连接组成;并建立垂直越障工况下复合轮组结构的静力学模型,得到影响其越障性能的主要结构参数,利用MATLAB对复合轮组结构参数进行优化设计,提高海底行走机构的越障性能;结合深海复杂多变的底质环境特征,运用adams对复合轮式海底行走机构进行动力学建模和仿真分析,获得海底行走机构垂直越障的动力学特性曲线。研究结果表明:该行走机构在复杂多变的深海底质环境下具有较强的越障能力和较高的通过稳定性。

Abstract: In allusion to complex and changing sediment environmental characteristics of cobalt-rich crusts and hydrothermal sulfide survey area in deep sea, a new high over-obstacle composite wheeled submarine vehicle was prepared. The main submarine vehicle is made by 4-composite wheels connected with an articulated frame. A static model of the composite wheels structure in the typical over-obstacle condition was established to obtain the effect of its main structural parameters on the over-obstacle capacity. MATLAB toolbox was used to optimize and design the composite wheels structural parameters to completely promote its over-obstacle capacity. Combined with the complex and changing environmental characteristics in deep sea, a composite wheeled submarine dynamics model after optimization as well as the simulation analysis with ADAMS was established, to obtain dynamic over-obstacle curves of the submarine vehicle. The results show that the vehicle has a strong over-obstacle capacity in the complex and changing deep sea environment.


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