


(中南大学 地球科学与信息物理学院,湖南 长沙,410083)

摘 要:




中图分类号:P22          文献标志码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2012)02-0620-06

Improved mean-shift segmentation approach for remote sensing images

ZHOU Jia-xiang, ZHU Jian-jun, MA Hui-yun, MEI Xiao-ming

(School of Geosciences and Info-Physics, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)

Abstract: Due to low convergence speed of Gauss kernel Mean-Shift, it couldn’t satisfy real time application of remote sensing image processing, an improved mean-shift segmentation approach for remote sensing image was proposed. In order to overcome some defects of fixed bandwidths of classic Mean-Shift, referenced spatial bandwidths were given according to the spatial resolution of remote sensing images, and various hue range bandwidths of each band were calculated using plug-in rules. In order to solve the problem of spending much time in Mean-Shift iteration caused by the voluminous imagery data set, some accelerating strategies were proposed. As the number of mode detected by Mean-Shift algorithm were large, global based mode merging method was proposed to stabilize the segmentation result of remote sensing images. Multi-dimension features were used and calculation speed was advanced, color features were used in mode detection and texture features were used in mode merging. Segmentation experiments were processed with Quickbird satellite image. The results show that the presented method is adaptive, and its speed and precision can satisfy application, so it is a robust automatic segmentation algorithm.

Key words: Mean-Shift; remote sensing image; segmentation; bandwidth; mode detection; mode merging

国内外在图像分割方面已取得了很多成果,现有自然图像分割方法可概括为以下几个方面:基于全局信息或局部信息;基于区域或边缘;针对灰度影像或纹理影像[1]。由于遥感影像所记录地物的复杂性和多样性,数据量巨大,将这些分割方法引入到遥感影像分割中面临很大困难[2-3]。Mean-Shift (MS)算法是一种高效的统计迭代算法,依靠特征空间样本点的统计特征,不需要任何先验知识,近年来被广泛地应用于图像分割[4-7]和跟踪[8]等计算机视觉领域。传统MS算法的计算复杂度是O(kdN2) (其中k为每个数据点的平均迭代次数,d为数据维数,N为1幅图像的像素)[9-12],如IKONOS和QuickBird等遥感影像,需要多次迭代才能收敛。同时,若所用的特征向量的维数多,则收敛速度比较慢,影响遥感图像的实际应用。近年来,一些研究者研究了MS算法的原理,提出减少迭代次数和降低每次迭代的计算量这2种提高算法效率的方法[10]。为了提高MS算法对遥感影像分割的速度和效果,本文提出以下改进措施:

(1) 对不同空间分辨率遥感图像给定空间带宽参考值,不同波段采用不同的灰度值域带宽。基于传统MS算法编写的EDISON软件需要人工输入空间带宽和值域带宽,且所有波段采用相同的值域带宽。若将遥感影像分割成有意义的区域且没有过多的细节,自适应带宽才能得到好的分割效果。

(2) 面对大数据量的遥感影像分割速度慢的问题,本文主要在MS运行效率上采取多项加速措施。

(3) 针对MS分割存在过分割现象,将检测出的模点采用基于全局模点融合来得到稳定的分割结果。

(4) 可用于遥感影像分割的特征很多,模点检测或模点融合时利用全部特征势必增加计算时间,改进方法将可将特征分组,利用位置和颜色特征进行模点检测,利用纹理特征进行模点融合。

1  改进MS遥感影像分割算法

1.1  传统高斯MS算法模点检测




(1) 选用高斯核函数,带宽hs和hr,随机给定样本点x;

(2) 根据式( 1) 计算样本点的迭代向量m(x);

(3) 条件判断,若|m(x)-x|>ε(ε为阈值,如0.001),则移动点x到m(x),执行步骤(2),否则,结束循环;

(4) 将结束循环后的m(x)赋给x,此时m(x)称为样本点x的模点;

(5) 移动到下一样本点x,重复步骤(2)~(4),直至检测出影像内每个数据点的模点为止;

(6) 将收敛至相同模点的数据点归为同一区域,得到初分割结果。



1.2  全局模点融合





(2) 对所有(1≤a,b≤m,a≠b),若≤εvv为阈值,如取h/2),则将块Sa和Sb归为一个区域,否则,Sa和Sb是不同的区域。

1.3  改进的MS遥感影像分割算法实现

1.3.1  滤波


1.3.2  带宽的选择

在MS算法中最重要的参数是带宽矩阵H,它决定迭代速度和分割效果。目前,Plug-in 和Cross-validation是广泛使用带宽选择方法[1]。Plug-in 规则是用估计参数来代替未知参数,渐进积分均方误差是应用于Plug-in规则的通用标准。使渐进积分均方误差最小便可估计全局值域带宽:





在plug-in准则下获得的值域带宽hr=(hR,hG,hB) 能尽可能地降低估计密度函数与原始密度函数之间的变形。为了将遥感影像分割成有意义的区域而不含有过多的细节,一般来说,过小的hr是无意义的。但是,过大的值域带宽导致忽略更多的影像细节,同时降低检测出的模点数;相反,小的灰度带宽使更多的地物细节被提取出来。因此,灰度值域带宽hr被认为是分割的尺度。

1.3.3  快速高斯模点检测


(1) 以待处理点xs为中心,事先根据图像的空间分辨率来选择空间带宽hs,以长、宽均为2hs+1的正方形按下式构造高斯空间模板;




(2) 为了减少MS迭代次数,从xn点开始MS迭代,第τ次迭代后的向量为等于或近似于另一特征向量xm,则认为xn和xm收敛于同一个模点,停止迭代。

(3) 对任意一随机样本点x,沿一定的路径收敛至一固定点(即模点),将收敛路径一定宽度内的点都认为收敛至相同的模点,这些点不再参加迭代计算。

(4) MS迭代计算量大的1个主要原因是特征向量的维数,而遥感图像可用的特征向量的维数很多,本文将特征向量分为2组,首次迭代时使用多光谱灰度特征,模点融合时使用纹理特征。

1.3.4  基于全局的模点融合









2  实验结果评价与分析

2.1  分割实验

在改进的分割方法中,空间带宽hs主要影响计算速度。不同传感器的影像有不同的空间分辨率。图1所示为SPOT5影像采用不同空间带宽分割结果的对比。实验发现,空间分辨率为10.00 m的SPOT5影像选用hs=5比较合适,空间分辩率为2.44 m的Quickbird影像选用hs=9比较合适。

图2(a)是1幅Quickbird 影像270×270的子图像,采用前面提出的参考空间带宽hs=9和由式(4)计算的灰度值域带宽进行快速高斯MS迭代得到图2(b)所示的分割结果(290个模点)。图2(c)所示是用EDSION软件(1个基于传统MS算法编写的软件)分割结果。将本文的分割结果与EDISON软件分割结果进行对比,由图2(c)可见:本文分割结果要优于EDISON软件分割结果。


图1  SPOT5影像不同空间带宽对比实验

Fig.1  Contrast experiment of SPOT5 image with various space bandwidths


图2  改进分割方法与EDISON分割结果对比

Fig.2  Comparative segmentation between presented approach and EDISON of Quickbird image


2.2  本文改进方法与传统MS算法的时间比较


2.3  分割效果讨论



图3  模点融合后分割结果

Fig.3  Segmentation results after mode merging

表1  传统MS与改进MS计算时间比较

Table 1  Comparative time of traditional MS and improved MS  s

表2  改进分割方法与EDISON分割方法的Eoc对比

Table 2  Comparison of Eoc between presented improved approach and EDISON

3  结论

(1) 对常用的高分辨率遥感影像如SPOT5和Quickbird的MS模点检测的空间带宽的选择给出了参考值,其他的遥感影像根据其空间分辨率参照这2类影像来确定。

(2) 遥感影像不同波段分别用公式计算值域带宽,以实现自适应的MS遥感影像分割。

(3) 模点检测时采用4个有效的加速措施,减少了MS迭代时间;同时,将遥感影像的多维特征分组,模点检测时采用空间特征和多光谱特征,模点全局融合时采用纹理特征,这样加快了MS迭代速度。

(4) 采用基于全局的模点融合提高遥感影像分割精度。用MATLAB实现了本文改进的遥感图像分割方法,实验结果与由传统算法所得结果相比,本文方法具有分割效果好等优点。


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[8] Comaniciu D, Ramesh V, Meer P. Real-time tracking of non-rigid objects using mean shift[C]//Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Hilton Head Island, United States, 2000: 142-149.

[9] Georgescu B, Shimshoni I, Meer P. Mean shift based clustering in high dimensions: a texture classification example[C]// Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. Nice, France, 2003: 456-463.

[10] Carreira-Perpinan M A. Acceleration strategies for Gaussian mean—shift image segmentation[C]//Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. New York: IEECS Press, 2006: 543-549.

[11] Kaftan J N. Mean shift segmentation evaluation of optimization techniques[C]//International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Application. Madeira, Portugal, 2008: 365-374.

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(编辑 陈灿华)





[1] HONG Yi-ping, YU Jian-qiang, ZHAO Dong-bin. Improved mean shift segmentation approach for natural images[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007, 185(2): 940-952.

[2] van der Sande C J, de Jong S M, de Roo A P J. A segmentation and classification approach of IKONOS-2 imagery for land cover mapping to assist flood risk and flood damage assessment[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2003, 4: 217-229.

[3] 杨朝云, 陈光儒, 吕嫦艳, 等. 一种改进的高分辨率遥感影像分割方法及应用[J]. 电脑信息技术, 2010, 18(4): 45-48.YANG Zhao-yun, CHEN Guang-ru, L? Chang-yan, et al. An improved high resolution RS images partition way and its applying[J]. Computer and Information Technology, 2010, 18(4): 45-48.

[4] Comaniciu D, Meer P. Mean-Shift: A robust approach towards feature space analysis[J]. IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2002, 24(5): 603-619.

[5] Comaniciu D, Ramesh V, Meer P. The variable bandwidth mean shift and data-driven scale selection[C]//Proceedings of Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. Vancouver, United States, 2001: 438-445.

[6] 王兆虎, 刘芳, 焦李成. 一种基于视觉特性的遥感图像分割[J]. 计算机学报, 2005, 28(10): 1687-1691.WANG Zhao-hu,LIU Fang,JIAO Li-cheng. A remote sensing image segmentation algorithm based on vision information mean shift algorithm accelerated mean shift algorithm[J]. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2005, 28(10): 1687-1691.

[7] Comaniciu D. An algorithm for data-driven bandwidth selection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2003, 25(2): 281-288.

[8] Comaniciu D, Ramesh V, Meer P. Real-time tracking of non-rigid objects using mean shift[C]//Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Hilton Head Island, United States, 2000: 142-149.

[9] Georgescu B, Shimshoni I, Meer P. Mean shift based clustering in high dimensions: a texture classification example[C]// Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. Nice, France, 2003: 456-463.

[10] Carreira-Perpinan M A. Acceleration strategies for Gaussian mean—shift image segmentation[C]//Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. New York: IEECS Press, 2006: 543-549.

[11] Kaftan J N. Mean shift segmentation evaluation of optimization techniques[C]//International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Application. Madeira, Portugal, 2008: 365-374.

[12] Carreira-Perpinan M A. Gaussian mean shift is an EM algorithm[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2007, 29(5): 767-776.

[13] Polak M, ZHANG Hong, PI Ming-hong. An evaluation metric for image segmentation of multiple objects[J]. Image and Vision Computing, 2009, 27: 1223-1227.