


(中南大学 能源科学与工程学院,流程工业节能湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙,410083)

摘 要:

管换热器难以安装翅片结构以强化管外换热,提出一种新型结构形式的重力热管换热器,该热管由一些并排的矩形通道而不是通常的圆管组成。并建立实验测试平台,进行一系列对比实验,重点分析加热功率、工质充液率、倾角及冷凝段风速对其运行热阻的影响。研究结果表明:加热功率对热管的运行性能有重要影响;当工质充液率约为20%时,热管换热器具有最小运行热阻;在最佳充液率为20%和加热功率为360 W时,运行热阻随倾角的增加有减小趋势,但当加热功率较大时,倾角对热管换热器的运行热阻影响不大;随着冷凝端风速的增加,热管换热器的运行热阻不断减小。



中图分类号:TK172          文献标志码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2012)06-2419-05

Experimental investigation on heat transfer characteristics of novel gravity-assisted heat pipe heat exchanger

CAO Xiao-lin, CAO Shuang-jun, ZENG Wei, WANG Fang-fang, LI Jiang, CHI Dong

(Hunan Key Laboratory of Energy Conservation in Process Industry,

School of Energy Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)

Abstract: Based on the fact that normal gravity-assisted heat pipes are difficult to be enhanced with fins, an innovative gravity-assisted heat pipe was developed, which is made of several rectangular channels in parallel instead of normal round channels. A test apparatus was set up, with which the influences of heating input power, filling ratio, inclination angle and air velocity at condenser section on the heat transfer performance were investigated by contrast tests. The results show that heating input power has an important effect on heat transfer characteristics. The minimum heat transfer resistance is gotten at the filling ratio of about 20%. When filling ratio is 20%, the thermal resistance decreases slightly with the increase of the inclination angle when the input power is 360 W, but the inclination angle has little effect on thermal resistance for higher heat input power. The thermal resistance decreases gradually as the air velocity with the increase of condenser section.

Key words: heat transfer; heat exchanger; heat pipe; thermal resistance

与普通热管相比,重力热管不仅结构简单、制造方便、成本低廉,而且传热性能优良、工作可靠。在地面上的各类传热设备中,重力热管都可作为高效传热元件[1-2],其应用领域与日俱增。重力热管的优点引起了国内外学者的广泛关注。Sarmasti等[3]通过实验研究了长径比、充液率和倾角对重力热管传热性能的影响,指出当长径比不同,且倾角为60°、充液率为45%时热管具有最佳传热性能。Jouhara等[4]对小管径的重力热管进行了实验研究,试验结果表明:当加热功率大于40 W时,以水为工质时具有较好的传热性能;而当加热功率小于40 W时,以FC-84或FC-77为工质则呈现了较好的传热性能。Wangnippanto[5]以铜质重力热管(水为工质)为实验对象,研究了倾角对热管传热效率的影响,发现当倾角为22.5°、充液率为30%时热管具有最大传热率。Terdtoon等[6]通过实验分析了热管长径比对倾斜重力热管传热性能的影响,发现当长径比小于10时,随着倾斜角度的增加,热管传热能力有下降的趋势,当长径比大于10时,倾角对热管传热能力影响不大。何曙等[7]提出一种带内循环管的新型重力热管并进行了实验测试,结果表明内循环管的引入使热管蒸发段导热系数提高了11.5~13倍。郭广亮等[8]使用水基多壁碳纳米管悬浮液为工质,进行了小型重力热管换热特性的实验研究,得到了较好的效果。彭玉辉[9]在以水为工质的重力热管中添加纳米颗粒,使其传热能力大大提高。但Sameer等[10]则指出纳米流体的引入使重力热管的传热性能恶化。这一方面的研究还有待深入。卫红等[11]针对经典Nusselt理论解的局限性,进一步考虑了摩擦切应力的影响,重点对圆形重力热管层流膜状凝结进行了理论分析。焦波等[12-14]根据管内工质的分布将重力热管工作状态分为3种形式及2种过渡,建立了综合的数学模型。Asghar等[15]则利用商业软件FLUENT中的VOF模型对重力热管内部的温度场和流场进行了模拟。值得注意的是,常规的重力热管安装翅片较为困难,这无疑削弱了其换热效率。为此,本文作者提出一种新型结构形式的重力热管换热器,它是在常规管带式换热器的基础上进行改进,通过充注合适适量的工质,在重力热管的运行机理下工作。新型重力热管换热器采用百叶窗形式的翅片结构,换热效果大大增强,结构更加紧凑。为了拓宽应用范围,实现能源的高效利用,对其传热性能的试验研究具有重要意义。

1  实验装置与方法

1.1  新型重力热管换热器的结构形式


与常规重力热管相比,新型重力热管换热器主要有以下特点:(1) 可以方便地安装翅片结构,增强蒸发段和冷凝段的换热效果。而且翅片型式采用开缝的百叶窗结构,增大换热面积的同时,冲缝结构阻碍了翅片表面空气边界层的形成,可以进一步实现强化换热;(2) 不同于常规的重力热管(断面为圆形),新型装置的通道截面为方形,冷凝液膜易于在角部聚集,利于液膜回流,从而冷凝段液膜厚度减小,使冷凝段热阻进一步下降。

图1  新型重力热管换热器结构形式

Fig.1  Structures of novel heat pipe heat exchanger

1.2  新型重力热管换热器测试平台


1.3  实验测试方法

实验时,选用R22作为工质,通过调节加热器输入功率控制室内加热量,采用Pt100铂热电阻测量室内外温度。采用温度精度为0.1 K的T型热电偶测量换热器表面温度。采用QDF-3型热球式电风速仪(误差为±5%)测试冷凝段风速时,在室外风管出口截面上取9个点(3行3列)分别测量。



图2  热管换热器测试平台简图

Fig.2  Schematic of heat pipe heat exchanger test bench

图3  温度测试点分布示意图

Fig.3  Schematic of thermocouple locations

2  实验数据处理





式中:i =1,2,3;j=1,2,3;n为蒸发段测温点数量,为9。



式中:i =5,6,7;j =1,2,3;m为冷凝段测温点数量,为9。漏热量Ql为:





3  试验结果与讨论

3.1  加热功率及工质充液率对传热性能的影响

图4所示为不同加热功率下充液率(充注液态工质体积与热管总容积的比值)与运行热阻的关系图。工质充注量直接影响管内工质的分布形式,进而影响运行热阻。由图4可知:不同加热功率下当工质充液率约为20%时热管换热器具有最小的运行热阻;当加热功率为360 W时,运行热阻较大,当加热功率为640 W或720 W时运行热阻较小,且二者相差不大。在较小加热功率下,蒸发段工质沸腾产生气泡,但数量较少,气泡之间互不干扰,换热强度相对较小;随着加热功率的增加,汽化核心增加,气泡数量增加,气泡之间相互扰动,最终使换热系数提高。

图4  工质充液率对运行热阻的影响

Fig.4  Effect of filling ratio on thermal resistance

3.2  热管换热器倾角对传热性能的影响

图5所示为热管换热器倾角与运行热阻的关系图。由图5可知:当加热功率为360 W时,随着倾角的增大,运行热阻有减小的趋势;当加热功率为640 W或720 W时,倾角对运行热阻影响较小。这与文献[6]中的结论相似。这是因为:当加热功率较小时,重力对液膜起主要作用,随着倾角增加,重力作用效果增强,利于液膜的回流;冷凝段液膜厚度减小,运行热阻下降;而当加热功率较大时,虽然此时重力作用效果随倾角的增加而增强,但由于管道尺寸较小,向上的气流速度增大,气体对液膜向上的剪切力亦随之增大,导致运行热阻受倾角影响不大。

3.3  冷凝段风速对传热性能的影响


图5  倾角对运行热阻的影响

Fig.5  Effect of inclination angle on thermal resistance

图6  冷凝段风速对运行热阻的影响

Fig.6  Effect of air velocity at condenser section on thermal resistance

4  结论

(1) 加热功率对热管传热性能有重要影响。

(2) 在选用R22作为工质,当工质充液率约为20%时,热管换热器具有最小运行热阻。

(3) 当充液率为20%、加热功率为360 W时,随着倾角的增加,运行热阻有减小趋势;而当加热功率较大时,倾角对运行热阻影响较小。

(4) 随着冷凝段风速的增加,热管换热器的运行热阻不断减小。


[1] 陈泽鹏, 李正宓. 热管换热设备在余热回收上的应用[J]. 节能与环保, 2006, 24(10): 38-40.
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SU Ming-jun. Application of gravity heat pipe in mine air-conditioning system[J]. Coal Mine Machinery, 2008, 29(11): 161-162.

[3] Sarmasti E M R, Noie S H, Khoshnood M. Effect of aspect ratio and filling ratio on thermal performance of an inclined two-phase closed thermosyphon[J]. Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, 2008, 32(B1): 39-51.

[4] Jouhara H, Robinson A. Experimental investigation of small diameter two-phase closed thermosyphons charged with water, FC-84, FC-77 and FC-3283[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30(2/3): 201-211.

[5] Wangnippanto S. Study of evaporation and condensation performance in thermosyphon[D]. Thailand: KMITT, 1994: 78-88.

[6] Terdtoon P, Ritthidech S, Shiraishi M. Effect of aspect ratio and bond number on an inclined closed two-phase thermosyphon at normal operation condition[C]//Proc of 5th Int Heat Pipe Symposium. Australia, 1996: 50-55.

[7] 何曙, 夏再忠, 王如竹. 一种新型重力热管传热性能研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2009, 30(5): 834-836.
HE Shu, XIA Zai-zhong, WANG Ru-zhu. Heat transfer characteristics of an innovative gravity heat pipe[J]. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2009, 30(5): 834-836.

[8] 郭广亮, 刘振华. 碳纳米管悬浮液强化小型重力热管换热特性[J]. 化工学报, 2007, 58(12): 3006-3010.
GUO Guang-liang, LIU Zhen-hua. Heat transfer enhancement of small thermosyphon using carbon nanotube suspensions[J]. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2007, 58(12): 3006-3010.

[9] 彭玉辉, 黄素逸, 黄锟剑. 热管中添加纳米颗粒[J]. 化工学报, 2004, 55(11): 1768-1772.
PENG Yu-hui, HUANG Su-yi, HUANG Kun-jian. Experimental study on thermosyphon by adding nanoparticles to working fluid[J]. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2004, 55(11): 1768-1772.

[10] Sameer K, Yogesh M J, Balkrishna M. Thermal performance of closed two-phase thermosyphon using nanofluids[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2008, 47(6): 659-667.

[11] 卫红, 马同泽, 陈焕倬. 两相闭式热虹吸管内凝结换热的研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 1990, 11(2): 182-187.
WEI Hong, MA Tong-ze, CHEN Huan-zhuo. Condensation heat transfer in two-phase closed thermosyphon[J]. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 1990, 11(2): 182-187.

[12] 焦波, 邱利民, 张洋. 低温重力热管传热性能的理论与实验研究[J]. 浙江大学学报: 工学版, 2008, 42(11): 1966-1972.
JIAO Bo, QIU Li-min, ZHANG Yang. Theoretical and experimental investigation on heat transfer characteristics in a cryogenic two-phase closed thermosyphon[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University: Engineering Science, 2008, 42(11): 1966-1972.

[13] JIAO Bo, QIU Li-min, ZHANG Yang, et al. Investigation on the effect of filling ratio on the steady-state heat transfer performance of a vertical two-phase closed thermosyphon[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2008, 28(11/12): 1417-1426.

[14] 焦波, 邱利民, 张洋. 重力热管冷凝段携带极限的理论研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2008, 29(6): 1028-1030.
JIAO Bo, QIU Li-min, ZHANG Yang. Theoretical investigation on the flooding limit in condenser of a two-phase closed thermosyphon[J]. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2008, 29(6): 1028-1030.

[15] Asghar A, Masoud R, Ammar A A. CFD modeling of flow and heat transfer in a thermosyphon[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010, 37(3): 312-318.

(编辑 陈灿华)





摘要:基于常规重力热管换热器难以安装翅片结构以强化管外换热,提出一种新型结构形式的重力热管换热器,该热管由一些并排的矩形通道而不是通常的圆管组成。并建立实验测试平台,进行一系列对比实验,重点分析加热功率、工质充液率、倾角及冷凝段风速对其运行热阻的影响。研究结果表明:加热功率对热管的运行性能有重要影响;当工质充液率约为20%时,热管换热器具有最小运行热阻;在最佳充液率为20%和加热功率为360 W时,运行热阻随倾角的增加有减小趋势,但当加热功率较大时,倾角对热管换热器的运行热阻影响不大;随着冷凝端风速的增加,热管换热器的运行热阻不断减小。

[1] 陈泽鹏, 李正宓. 热管换热设备在余热回收上的应用[J]. 节能与环保, 2006, 24(10): 38-40.CHEN Ze-peng, LI Zheng-mi. Application of heat pipe exchanger to waste heat recovery[J]. Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection, 2006, 24(10): 38-40.

[2] 苏明军. 重力热管在矿井空调系统中的应用[J]. 煤矿机械, 2008, 29(11): 161-162.SU Ming-jun. Application of gravity heat pipe in mine air-conditioning system[J]. Coal Mine Machinery, 2008, 29(11): 161-162.

[3] Sarmasti E M R, Noie S H, Khoshnood M. Effect of aspect ratio and filling ratio on thermal performance of an inclined two-phase closed thermosyphon[J]. Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, 2008, 32(B1): 39-51.

[4] Jouhara H, Robinson A. Experimental investigation of small diameter two-phase closed thermosyphons charged with water, FC-84, FC-77 and FC-3283[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30(2/3): 201-211.

[5] Wangnippanto S. Study of evaporation and condensation performance in thermosyphon[D]. Thailand: KMITT, 1994: 78-88.

[6] Terdtoon P, Ritthidech S, Shiraishi M. Effect of aspect ratio and bond number on an inclined closed two-phase thermosyphon at normal operation condition[C]//Proc of 5th Int Heat Pipe Symposium. Australia, 1996: 50-55.

[7] 何曙, 夏再忠, 王如竹. 一种新型重力热管传热性能研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2009, 30(5): 834-836.HE Shu, XIA Zai-zhong, WANG Ru-zhu. Heat transfer characteristics of an innovative gravity heat pipe[J]. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2009, 30(5): 834-836.

[8] 郭广亮, 刘振华. 碳纳米管悬浮液强化小型重力热管换热特性[J]. 化工学报, 2007, 58(12): 3006-3010.GUO Guang-liang, LIU Zhen-hua. Heat transfer enhancement of small thermosyphon using carbon nanotube suspensions[J]. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2007, 58(12): 3006-3010.

[9] 彭玉辉, 黄素逸, 黄锟剑. 热管中添加纳米颗粒[J]. 化工学报, 2004, 55(11): 1768-1772.PENG Yu-hui, HUANG Su-yi, HUANG Kun-jian. Experimental study on thermosyphon by adding nanoparticles to working fluid[J]. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 2004, 55(11): 1768-1772.

[10] Sameer K, Yogesh M J, Balkrishna M. Thermal performance of closed two-phase thermosyphon using nanofluids[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2008, 47(6): 659-667.

[11] 卫红, 马同泽, 陈焕倬. 两相闭式热虹吸管内凝结换热的研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 1990, 11(2): 182-187.WEI Hong, MA Tong-ze, CHEN Huan-zhuo. Condensation heat transfer in two-phase closed thermosyphon[J]. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 1990, 11(2): 182-187.

[12] 焦波, 邱利民, 张洋. 低温重力热管传热性能的理论与实验研究[J]. 浙江大学学报: 工学版, 2008, 42(11): 1966-1972.JIAO Bo, QIU Li-min, ZHANG Yang. Theoretical and experimental investigation on heat transfer characteristics in a cryogenic two-phase closed thermosyphon[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University: Engineering Science, 2008, 42(11): 1966-1972.

[13] JIAO Bo, QIU Li-min, ZHANG Yang, et al. Investigation on the effect of filling ratio on the steady-state heat transfer performance of a vertical two-phase closed thermosyphon[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2008, 28(11/12): 1417-1426.

[14] 焦波, 邱利民, 张洋. 重力热管冷凝段携带极限的理论研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2008, 29(6): 1028-1030.JIAO Bo, QIU Li-min, ZHANG Yang. Theoretical investigation on the flooding limit in condenser of a two-phase closed thermosyphon[J]. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2008, 29(6): 1028-1030.

[15] Asghar A, Masoud R, Ammar A A. CFD modeling of flow and heat transfer in a thermosyphon[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010, 37(3): 312-318.