


王家梁,马德军,孙  亮,黄  勇

(装甲兵工程学院 机械工程系,北京 100072)

摘 要:




中图分类号:TH140.7       文献标志码:A

Method for determining Vickers hardness of materials by Vickers instrumented indentation work ratio and martens hardness

WANG Jia-liang, MA De-jun, SUN Liang, HUANG Yong

(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Academy of Armored Force Engineering, Beijing 100072, China)

Abstract: The problem of Vickers morphology is not clear due to the Vickers hardness does not recognize during the traditional Vickers hardness testing. The instrumented indentation test were analyzed by employing dimensional theorem and finite element method, meanwhile, combined with the finite element numerical results of Vickers hardness, the approximate function relationships among Vickers indentation work ratio(We/Wt), martens hardness and Vickers hardness were revealed. Based on the relationships, a new method was then proposed to determine the Vickers hardness of materials by Vickers indentation work ratio and martens hardness, and its accuracy was analyzed. The results show that, compared with ISO14577, this method has higher accuracy.

Key words: Vickers instrumented indentation; indentation work ratio; martens hardness; Vickers hardness



图1  不同压入载荷下无法准确识别维氏硬度的Vickers压痕形貌图

Fig. 1  Vickers indentation morphologies of unable to accurately identify Vickers hardness under different indentation loads

1  仪器化Vickers压入的量纲和有限元分析


1) 对于Vickers压入:



2) 对于Berkovich压入:




式中:Fm为最大压入载荷;hm为压头最大压入深度;As (hm)为压头最大压入深度hm时对应的压头表面积。马氏硬度的测试方法为:利用仪器化压入仪及Vickers或Berkovich压头对被测材料实施某一最大压入载荷为Fm的仪器化压入测试,获得压入载荷-位移曲线,如图2所示,其中Wt与We分别为压头在加载和卸载过程所做的功,其值分别为加载曲线和卸载曲线与载荷-位移曲线横坐标所围面积;当不考虑金刚石Vickers压头尖端钝化时,而考虑金刚石Vickers压头尖端钝化时,则As(hm)应由压头的面积函数As(hm)来确定,即

图2  仪器化压入载荷-位移曲线示意图

Fig. 2  Schematic diagram of instrumented indentation load-displacement curve










为得到式(9)的显式解,可通过商用有限元软件ABAQUS[23]建立仪器化Vickers压入三维有限元模型计算结果获得。因标准Vickers压头为面角136°正四棱锥,可根据对称性取Vickers压头的1/8建立模型,如图3阴影部分所示。同时,被测材料取与压头相对应的1/8建模。被测材料整体尺寸为4000 μm× 4000 μm×2000 μm,压头最大压入深度hm=5 μm。

图3  1/8对称的Vickers压头示意图

Fig. 3  Schematic diagram of 1/8 symmetrical Vickers indenter

定义压头为理想弹性压头,其参数设定为Ei=1141 GPa,vi=0.07;假设被测材料为均匀、各向同性的率无关固体,考虑到所建仪器化Vickers压入识别材料维氏硬度方法的普适性,被测材料弹性模量分别取70 GPa、200 GPa和400 GPa,泊松比取值v=0.3,相应的平面应变弹性模量之比η=[E/(1-0.22)]/[1141/(1- 0.072)]=0.0671、0.1917和0.3834,应变硬化指数n为0、0.15、0.3、0.45;由于绝大多数工程材料比功We/Wt处于0.01~0.85之间,根据此范围(We/Wt为0.01~0.85)取相应的屈服强度值σy为0.98、42255 MPa。压头与被测材料间的摩擦因数取f=0.16[24]。根据接触核心区网格精细,远场非核心区网格稀疏的原则,最终,压头划分为23828个C3D4单元。被测材料划分为51330个C3D8R单元和158115个C3D4单元,其接触区域网格划分如图4所示。收敛性分析表明,两模型网格分析误差均不超过0.5%。整个仪器化压入数值计算采用非线性大变形理论。

图4  仪器化Vickers压入有限元模型局部网格图

Fig. 4  Local mesh diagram of Vickers instrumented indentation model


利用有限元数值计算方法可以获得式(9)的显式解,图5(a)~(c)所示为由有限元数值计算得到的对应不同平面应变弹性模量之比η和应变硬化指数n的HV/HM- We/Wt关系。

从图5(a)~(c)可知,对于确定的平面应变弹性模量之比η,HV/HM-We/Wt关系的数据点均分布在以应变硬化指数n=0和n=0.45为边界的区域内。因此,为忽略应变硬化指数n对HV/HM-We/Wt关系的影响,将HV/HM-We/Wt关系近似表示为一一对应的HV/HM-We/Wt函数关系,称之为代表性的HV/HM-We/Wt关系(Representative relationship)。为了更好地表示代表性的HV/HM-We/Wt关系,采用6次多项式对数据点进行拟合,从而确定1组η对应的HV/HM-We/Wt函数关系。分别将3组不同的η对应的代表性HV/HM-We/Wt关系放入图6中,可以看到3组代表性HV/HM-We/Wt关系曲线几乎重合,说明不同η对HV/HM-We/Wt关系已不构成影响。

图5  不同η和n下的HV/HM-We/Wt关系

Fig. 5  Relationship between HV/HM and We/Wt with different η and n

图6  不同η所对应代表性的HV/HM-We/Wt关系

Fig. 6  Representative relationship between HV/HM and We/Wt with different η





2  维氏硬度的测试方法


1) 利用仪器化压入仪和金刚石Vickers压头对被测材料实施某一最大压入载荷为Fm的仪器化压入测试,获得压入载荷-位移曲线,同时利用该曲线确定金刚石Vickers压头的最大压入深度hm与马氏硬度HM=Fm/As(hm),其中,As(hm)为对应最大压入深度时的压头表面积,当不考虑金刚石Vickers压头尖端钝化时,而考虑金刚石Vickers压头尖端钝化时,则As(hm)应由压头的面积函数As(hm)来确定,即

2) 通过分别积分载荷-位移曲线关系中的加载曲线和卸载曲线计算压入加载功Wt、卸载功We,并在此基础上计算压入比功We/Wt

3) 根据维氏硬度HV与仪器化压入比功We/Wt及马氏硬度HM的关系最终确定被测材料的维氏硬度HV


3  精度分析







图7  不同η和n下δ和We/Wt的关系

Fig. 7  Relationship between δ and We/Wt with different η and n values


图8  不同η和n下的δ和We/Wt的关系(ISO14577方法)

Fig. 8  Relationship between δ and We/Wt with different η and n (ISO14577 method)

4  实验验证

本文作者选用5种金属试样(S45C、SS304、SS316、6061Al、Brass)和5种陶瓷试样(Si3N4、ZrO2、ZTA、Al2O3、Silica)按照ISO14577[19]的要求制备成标准压入试样块。其中,5种金属材料由钢铁研究总院提供;Si3N4、ZrO2、ZTA、Al2O3试样由中国建筑材料科学研究总院陶瓷科学研究院提供;Silica试样为 宝山钢铁股份有限公司提供的纳米压入仪用标准试样(国标编号:GSB 03-2496-2008)。实验通过本课题组先期研制的高精度宏观仪器化压入仪和微观仪器化压入仪[29]在ISO14577规定的3种载荷范围内(见表1)进行仪器化压入测试,并通过显微镜测量维氏压痕对角线长度以获得材料的传统维氏硬度。以此为基础,分别采用本文作者所提仪器化Vickers压入方法和ISO14577中所提仪器化Vickers压入方法对上述10种材料识别的维氏硬度值与传统方法识别的维氏硬度值进行比较,以此验证本文方法的有效性。

根据表1所示 ISO14577规定的维氏硬度试验力范围,宏观、小力值和显微维氏硬度的最大压入载荷分别设定为50 N、10 N和1 N。为保证测试结果的准确性,每种材料重复测试10次。表2和3所列分别为本研究方法和ISO14577方法基于Vickers压头在3种载荷范围内识别的维氏硬度均值及误差。其中,HV,Eq.(12)为研究方法识别的维氏硬度值,δEq.(12)=(HV,Eq.(12)- HV)/HV为研究方法识别的维氏硬度误差;HV,ISO为ISO4577-1方法识别的维氏硬度值;δISO=(HV,ISO- HV)/HV为ISO4577-1方法识别的维氏硬度误差;HV为传统方法识别的维氏硬度值。

表1  维氏硬度试验力范围

Table 1  Vickers hardness ranges of test force



表2  本文研究方法识别的10种材料维氏硬度均值及误差

Table 2  Mean value and error for10 kinds of materials’ Vickers hardness determined by proposed method

表3  ISO14577方法识别的10种材料维氏硬度均值及误差

Table 3  Mean value and error for10 kinds of materials’ Vickers hardness determined by ISO14577 method

图9  最大压入载荷为50 N时熔融硅试样的Vickers压痕形貌

Fig. 9  Vickers indentation morphology of silica sample at maximum indentation load of 50 N

5  结论

1) 应用量纲定理和有限元数值分析方法对仪器化Vickers压入响应进行了系统分析,结合维氏硬度有限元数值计算结果,揭示了仪器化Vickers压入比功、马氏硬度与维氏硬度的近似函数关系,即

2) 基于函数关系,提出由压入比功We/Wt和马氏硬度HM识别材料维氏硬度HV的新方法,并对该方法进行测试精度分析。

3) 通过5种金属试样(S45C、SS304、SS316、6061Al、Brass)和5种陶瓷试样(Si3N4、ZrO2、ZTA、Al2O3、Silica)对本文作者所提仪器化Vickers压入方法和ISO14577中所提仪器化Vickers压入方法识别的维氏硬度值与传统维氏硬度值进行比较。结果表明:本研究中所建立的基于仪器化Vickers压入比功与马氏硬度识别材料维氏硬度的方法是可行和非常有效的。


[1] SIDJANIN L, RAJNOVIC D, RANOGAJEC J, MOLNAR E. Measurement of Vickers hardness on ceramic floor tiles[J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007, 27(2/3): 1767-1773.

[2] SHAHDAD S A, MCCABE J F, BULL S, RUSBY S, WASSELL R W. Hardness measured with traditional Vickers and Martens hardness methods[J]. Dental Materials, 2007, 23: 1079-1085.

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[5] ASIKUZUN E, OZTURK O, CETINKARA H A, YILDIRIM G, VARILCI A, YILMAZLAR M, TERZIOGLU C. Vickers hardness measurements and some physical properties of Pr2O3 doped Bi-2212 superconductors[J]. Journal of Materials Science (Materials in Electronics), 2012, 23(5): 1001-1010.

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[7] ISO6507-1-2005. Metallic materials-Vickers hardness test -Part 1: Test method[S].

[8] CHENG Y T, CHENG C M. Scaling, dimensional analysis, and indentation measurements[R]. Materials Science and Engineering, 2004, 44(4/5): 91-149.

[9] SAKHAROVA N A, OLIVEIRA M C, ANTUNES J M, FERNANDES J V. On the determination of the film hardness in hard film/substrate composites using depth-sensing indentation[J]. Ceramics International, 2013, 39(6): 6251-6263.

[10] 马德军. 材料弹性模量的仪器化压入测试方法[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2010, 20(12): 2336-2343.

MA De-jun. Method for determining elastic modulus by instrumented indentation test[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2010, 20(12): 2336-2343.

[11] 宋仲康, 马德军, 郭俊宏, 陈 伟. 一种改进的纳米压入测试方法[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2012, 22(2): 520-525.

SONG Zhong-kang, MA De-jun, GUO Jun-hong, CHEN Wei. A modified method of nanoindentation testing method[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2012, 22(2): 520-525.

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[13] CHEN X, YAN J, KARLSSON A M. On the determination of residual stress and mechanical properties by indentation[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006, 416(1/2): 139-149.

[14] OLIVER W C, PHARR G M. An improved technique for determining hardness and elastic-modulus using load and displacement sensing indentation experiments[J]. Journal of Materials Research, 1992, 7(6): 1564-1583.

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[16] ISO14577-2002. Metallic materials-Instrumented indentation test for hardness and materials parameters Part 1: Test method[S].

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[21] KANG S K, KIM Y C, LEE J W, KWON D, KIM J Y. Effect of contact angle on contact morphology and Vickers hardness measurement in instrumented indentation testing[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 85: 104-109.

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(编辑  李艳红)




摘  要:针对传统维氏硬度测试中因Vickers压痕形貌不清晰导致的维氏硬度无法识别问题,应用量纲定理和有限元数值分析方法对仪器化Vickers压入响应进行了系统分析,同时,结合维氏硬度有限元数值计算结果,揭示仪器化Vickers压入比功、马氏硬度与维氏硬度的近似函数关系。基于上述关系,提出由Vickers压入比功We/Wt和马氏硬度HM识别材料维氏硬度HV的新方法,对该方法进行测试精度分析,验证结果表明该方法较ISO14577中所提维氏硬度仪器化Vickers压入方法具有更高的测试精度。

[1] SIDJANIN L, RAJNOVIC D, RANOGAJEC J, MOLNAR E. Measurement of Vickers hardness on ceramic floor tiles[J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007, 27(2/3): 1767-1773.

[2] SHAHDAD S A, MCCABE J F, BULL S, RUSBY S, WASSELL R W. Hardness measured with traditional Vickers and Martens hardness methods[J]. Dental Materials, 2007, 23: 1079-1085.

[3] YEUNG J, KEONG L C. Hardness measurement of copper bonding wire[J]. Procedia Engineering, 2014, 75: 134-139.

[4] RIOS C T, COELHO A A, BATISTA W W, GONCALVES M C,CARAM R. ISE and fracture toughness evaluation by Vickers hardness testing of an Al3Nb-Nb2Al-AlNbNi in situ composite[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 472(1/2): 65-70.

[5] ASIKUZUN E, OZTURK O, CETINKARA H A, YILDIRIM G, VARILCI A, YILMAZLAR M, TERZIOGLU C. Vickers hardness measurements and some physical properties of Pr2O3 doped Bi-2212 superconductors[J]. Journal of Materials Science (Materials in Electronics), 2012, 23(5): 1001-1010.

[6] TABOR D. The hardness of metals[M]. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1951.

[7] ISO6507-1-2005. Metallic materials-Vickers hardness test -Part 1: Test method[S].

[8] CHENG Y T, CHENG C M. Scaling, dimensional analysis, and indentation measurements[R]. Materials Science and Engineering, 2004, 44(4/5): 91-149.

[9] SAKHAROVA N A, OLIVEIRA M C, ANTUNES J M, FERNANDES J V. On the determination of the film hardness in hard film/substrate composites using depth-sensing indentation[J]. Ceramics International, 2013, 39(6): 6251-6263.

[10] 马德军. 材料弹性模量的仪器化压入测试方法[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2010, 20(12): 2336-2343.

MA De-jun. Method for determining elastic modulus by instrumented indentation test[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2010, 20(12): 2336-2343.

[11] 宋仲康, 马德军, 郭俊宏, 陈 伟. 一种改进的纳米压入测试方法[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2012, 22(2): 520-525.

SONG Zhong-kang, MA De-jun, GUO Jun-hong, CHEN Wei. A modified method of nanoindentation testing method[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2012, 22(2): 520-525.

[12] CHICOT D, BEMPORAD E, GALTIERI G, ROUDET F, ALVISI M, LESAGE J. Analysis of data from various indentation techniques for thin films intrinsic hardness modelling[J]. Thin Solid Films, 2008, 516(8): 1964-1971.

[13] CHEN X, YAN J, KARLSSON A M. On the determination of residual stress and mechanical properties by indentation[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006, 416(1/2): 139-149.

[14] OLIVER W C, PHARR G M. An improved technique for determining hardness and elastic-modulus using load and displacement sensing indentation experiments[J]. Journal of Materials Research, 1992, 7(6): 1564-1583.

[15] OLIVER W C, PHARR G M. Measurement of hardness and elastic modulus by instrumented indentation: Advances in understanding and refinements to methodology[J]. Journal of Materials Research, 2004, 19(1): 3-20.

[16] ISO14577-2002. Metallic materials-Instrumented indentation test for hardness and materials parameters Part 1: Test method[S].

[17] 邢思明. 硬度标度的统一与维氏硬度试验的数字化[J]. 武汉工业大学学报, 2000, 22(6): 43-45.

XING Si-ming. Unification of hardness scale connected with digitization of Vickers hardness test[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, 2000, 22(6): 43-45.

[18] 邢思明, 郧建平. 维氏硬度计数字化原理[J]. 武汉大学学报, 2002, 35(1): 51-54.

XING Si-ming, YUN Jian-ping. Digitalization principle of Vickers hardness tester[J]. Engineering Journal of Wuhan University, 2002, 35(1): 51-54.

[19] 王春亮. 纳米压痕试验方法研究[D]. 上海: 机械科学研究院, 2007.

WANG Chun-liang. Study on the methods of nanoindentation testing[D]. Shanghai: Mechanical Science Research Institute, 2007.

[20] KANG S K, KIM J Y, PARK C P, KIM H U, KWON D. Conventional Vickers and true instrumented indentation hardness determined by instrumented indentation tests[J]. Journal of Materials Research, 2010, 25(2): 337-343.

[21] KANG S K, KIM Y C, LEE J W, KWON D, KIM J Y. Effect of contact angle on contact morphology and Vickers hardness measurement in instrumented indentation testing[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 85: 104-109.

[22] 马德军. 材料力学性能仪器化压入测试原理[M]. 北京: 国防工业出版社, 2010.

MA De-jun. Principles of measuring mechanical properties of materials by instrumented indentation[M]. Beijing: National Defence Industry Press, 2010.

[23] HIBBITT, KARLSSON, SORENSEN Inc. ABAQUS theory manual version 6.2[M]. US: Pawtucket, 2000.

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