



(1. 华南师范大学 化学与环境学院,广州 510006;

2. 华南理工大学 化学科学学院,广州 510640)

摘 要:

合成了异戊基苯并噻唑亚砜(ABSO),研究了盐酸介质中ABSO萃取Pd(Ⅱ)的机理。考察水相H+浓度和萃取剂浓度对钯萃取的影响, 采用斜率法、红外光谱和核磁共振H谱法确定了萃合物的组成及萃取平衡的机理。结果表明:低酸度条件下,H+浓度对钯的分配比无影响,ABSO以中性配位萃取机理萃取Pd(Ⅱ),并通过苯并噻唑环上的氮原子与Pd(Ⅱ)配位形成萃合物PdCl2(ABSO)2



中图分类号:TF 804.2       文献标识码:A


Mechanism of extraction of Pd(Ⅱ) with iso-amyl benzothiazolyl sulfoxide from hydrochloric acid media

LI Yao-wei1, GU Guo-bang2

(1. School of Chemistry and Environment, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China;

2. School of Chemistry Science, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China)

Abstract: Iso-amyl benzothiazolyl sulfoxide (ABSO) was synthesized and the mechanism of extraction of Pd(Ⅱ) with ABSO from hydrochloric acid media was studied. The effects of H+ and extractant concentration on the extraction of Pd(Ⅱ) were investigated. The composition of extracted complex and mechanism of extraction were determined by slope method, IR and H MNR spectra. The results show that the distribution ratio of Pd(Ⅱ) is independent on H+ concentration and ABSO acts as a neutral ligand coordinated with Pd(II) via thiazolyl N atom and forms Pd Cl2(ABSO)2 at low acidity.

Key words: palladium; iso-amyl benzothiazolyl sulfoxide; solvent extraction



1  实验

1.1  化学试剂与仪器

实验中所用主要试剂如下:促进剂-M,天津有机化工一厂,分析纯;溴代异戊烷,上海化学试剂一厂,分析纯;氢氧化钾,苯,广州化学试剂厂,分析纯;丙酮,汕头光华化学试剂厂,分析纯;双氧水,成都联合化工试剂研究所,分析纯。实验中的主要仪器有:VECTOR33红外光谱仪,德国Bruker公司生产;AVANCE核磁共振仪,400 MNz,德国Bruker公司生产; Finigan?2000 mass apparatus质谱仪;WFX?IB型原子吸收分光光度计,北京第二光学仪器厂生产;HY?4型调速电动定时振荡器。

1.2  异戊基苯并噻唑亚砜(ABSO)的合成

异戊基苯并噻唑亚砜按文献[9]合成,产物的表征数据如下:FT-IR(KBr):3 061(=CH), 2 952, 2 924, 2 913, 2 869(—CH2—, —CH3), 1 631(—C=N—), 1 555, 1 471, 1 455(C=C), 1 425, 1 385 (—C(CH3)2), 1 049 (S=O), 845(C—N), 767, 733 cm?1;1H-NMR(CDCl3):δ(ppm) 8.04~8.02(1H, =CH), 7.97~7.95(1H), 7.54~7.50(1H), 7.47~7.43(1H), 3.27~3.09(2H, CH2—C), 1.86~1.65(2H, C—CH2—C), 1.58~1.52(1H, —CH—), 0.91~0.88(6H, 2CH3);ESI-MS(M+1)/z: 254.064 2。

1.3  试液的配制

Pd(Ⅱ)储备液:精确称取纯钯粉250 mg,用王水加热溶解,小心蒸发近干,添加少量浓盐酸3次使硝酸分解挥发完全,再用0.1 mol/L盐酸配成250 mL浓度为1.0 g/L的Pd(Ⅱ)储备液。


1.4  萃取实验

室温下,将等体积的有机相和水相置于分液漏斗中,在电动定时振荡器内振荡15 min(实验结果表明振荡15 min达到萃取平衡)。静置分相后,取萃余液分析。用原子吸收分光光度计测出萃余水相中钯的浓度,再用差减法求出有机相中钯的浓度,依此计算出分配比D。

2  结果与讨论

2.1  萃取机理的探讨


1) 配位取代机理

2) 酸性离子缔合机理


2.1.1  H+浓度对分配比的影响

固定Pd(Ⅱ)的起始浓度为100 mg/L,ABSO的浓度分别为0.25和0.5 mol/L,用NaCl调节溶液离子浓度,考察lgD—lg[H+]的关系(见图1)。由图1结果可知,在实验酸度范围内([H+]≤3 mol/L),lgD—lg[H+]是一条斜率近似为零的直线,说明H+浓度对钯分配比无影响,ABSO萃取钯是配位取代机理。文献[7]曾报道在低酸度条件下,亚砜萃取钯属配位取代机理;在高酸度条件下,亚砜萃取钯属离子缔合机理。对于高酸度条件下ABSO萃取钯的机理将在另文探讨。

图1  lg[H+]对lgD的影响

Fig.1  Effect of lg[H+] on lgD

2.1.2  n值的确定

在萃合物中,金属离子与萃取剂的比例可以由lgD—lg[萃取剂]的关系图得到[10?11]。固定Pd(Ⅱ)的起始浓度为100 mg/L,盐酸浓度为0.1 mol/L,亚砜ABSO的浓度由0.05至1.0 mol/L变化。lgD与lg[ABSO]的关系如图2所示。由图可见,lgD—lg[ABSO]的关系为两条直线,斜率分别为2.13和1.97,取整数n值为2,说明萃合物中钯与ABSO的配比为1?2。


图2  lg[ABSO]对lgD的影响

Fig.2  Effect of lg[ABSO] on lgD

2.2  萃合物的红外光谱分析

用浓度为0.5 mol/L的ABSO多次萃取盐酸浓度为0.1 mol/L、浓度为1.0 g/L的Pd(Ⅱ)溶液制备饱和萃合物,待溶剂挥发后得到固体萃合物做红外光谱。

由文献[12?13]可知,亚砜基—S=O的硫、氧原子都有孤对电子,因此硫、氧原子均有可能与被萃金属形成配位键。如果通过氧原子配位,则υS=O向低频方向移动;相反,如果通过硫原子配位,则υS=O向高频方向移动,且两种配位方式υS=O移动的波数较大。ABSO萃取钯前后的红外光谱如图3所示。由图可见,ABSO萃取钯前的S=O键特征峰在υ=1 049 cm?1[14];萃取钯后,萃合物的S=O键特征峰出现在υ=1 063 cm?1处,向高频方向移动不大,且强度基本不变,说明ABSO没有通过S=O键的硫或氧原子与Pd(Ⅱ)配位。杂环C—S键的伸缩振动位于750~690 cm?1范围[14],苯并噻唑基上C—S—C键伸缩振动在733 cm?1处,形成萃合物后出现在726 cm?1,位移及强度变化不大,说明杂环上的硫原子也没有参与配位。

文献[15?17]认为苯并噻唑?2?硫基的负电荷既可集中在硫原子上,又可完全离域到氮原子,使得配体上的硫原子和氮原子都可成为亲核加成反应的活性位。从图3的表征数据可知,苯并噻唑基上—C=N—键特征峰在萃取钯前后变化明显,υ—C=N—由萃钯前的1 631 cm?1向低频移动到1 613 cm?1处,且吸收强度减弱, 这与文献[18]报道的苯并噻唑基与金属配位的特性相似,说明杂环氮与Pd(Ⅱ)发生了配位反应。

图3  ABSO萃取剂和Pd-ABSO萃合物的红外光谱图

Fig.3  IR spectra of ABSO (a) and Pd-ABSO complex (b)

2.3  萃合物的核磁共振氢谱分析

图4所示是ABSO萃取剂(a)和Pd(Ⅱ)-ABSO萃合物(b)的核磁共振1H谱。从图4可知,1H NMR测得ABSO苯环上4个氢的δ值分别为8.04×10?6、7.97×10?6、7.54×10?6、7.47×10?6,异戊基上氢的δ值为(3.27~3.09)×10?6(2H, CH2—C)、(1.86~1.65)× 10?6(2H, C—CH2—C)、(1.58~1.52)×10?6 (1H, —CH—)、(0.91~0.88)×10?6(6H, 2CH3)。比较图4(a)和(b)可以看出,当萃取剂ABSO萃取Pd(Ⅱ)后,萃合物的1H峰向低场移动,萃合物苯环上4个氢原子的δ值分别为 9.37×10?6、9.25×10?6、7.99×10?6、7.87×10?6,异戊基上氢的δ值为(4.22~3.71)×10?6(2H, CH2—C)、(2.13~2.08)×10?6(2H, C—CH2—C)、(1.86~ 1.174)× 10?6(1H, —CH—)、(1.01~0.92)×10?6 (6H, 2CH3),原因是杂环氮与Pd(Ⅱ)发生配位后,苯并噻唑基与亚砜的共轭系统受到影响,从而使苯环及异戊基上的氢化学位移向低场移动[19]

图4  ABSO萃取剂(a)和Pd(Ⅱ)-ABSO萃合物(b)的核磁共振1H谱(CDCl3)

Fig.4  1H NMR spectra of ABSO (a) and Pd(Ⅱ)-ABSO complex (b) (CDCl3)


3  结论

合成的异戊基苯并噻唑亚砜对盐酸介质中的Pd(Ⅱ)有很好的萃取性能,在实验酸度范围内([H+]≤3 mol/L),溶液H+浓度对钯的分配比无影响,ABSO以中性配位萃取机理萃取钯。萃取反应为



[1] Lokhande, T N, Anuse M A, Chavan M B. Liquid–liquid extraction of palladium(Ⅱ) with N-n-octylaniline from hydrochloric acid media[J]. Talanta, 1998, 46: 163?169.

[2] Szczepanska I, Borowiak-Resterna A, Wisniewski M. New pyridinecarboxamides for rapid extraction of palladium from acidic chloride media [J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2003, 68: 159?170.

[3] Wisniewski M. Palladium(Ⅱ) extraction by pyridine carboxylic acid esters[J]. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2000, 256: 693?696.

[4] Uheida A, Zhang Y, Muhammed M. Selective extraction of palladium(Ⅱ) from chloride solutions with nonylthiourea dissolved in chloroform[J]. Solv Extr Ion Exch,2002, 20(6): 717?733.

[5] 张邦劳. 不对称二烷基亚砜的合成及其对Au(Ⅲ)、Pd(Ⅱ)、Pt(Ⅳ)的萃取性能研究[J]. 陕西师范大学学报:自然科学版, 1998, 26(2): 70?73.
ZHANG Bang-lao. Synthesis of asymmetric dialkyl sulfoxides and structure-reactivity and extraction of Au(Ⅲ), Pd(Ⅱ) and Pt(Ⅳ)[J]. Journal of Shaanxi Normal University: Natural Science Edition, 1998, 26(2): 70?73.

[6] 程 飞,龙惕吾. 石油亚砜的极性与萃取钯铂性能的关系[J]. 贵金属, 1992, 13(1): 10?13.
CHENG Fei, LONG Ti-wu. Relation between petroleum sulfoxide polarity and extraction properties for palladium and platinum[J]. Precious Metals, 1992, 13(1): 10?13.

[7] 陈 景. 钯(Ⅱ)氯配离子在一些化学反应中的两种反应现象与机理[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2005, 15(3): 327?333.
CHEN Jing. Two different phenomena and mechanisms of Pdcl2-4 in some chemical reactions [J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2005, 15(3): 327?333.

[8] Preston J S, du Preez A C. Solvent extraction of platinum group metals from hydrochloric acid solutions by dialkyl sulphoxides[J]. Solvent Extr Ion Exch, 2002, 20(3): 359?374.

[9] 李耀威,古国榜,李立平,徐志广. 烃基?苯并噻唑亚砜从硫脲介质中萃取金的性能研究[J]. 贵金属, 2004, 25(4): 1?5.
LI Yao-wei, GU Guo-bang, LI Li-ping, XU Zhi-guang. Solvent extraction of Au(I) from gold-thiourea leaching solution by alkyl benzothiazole sulphoxides[J]. Precious Metals, 2004, 25(4): 1?5.

[10] Gholivand M B, Nozari N. Extraction and spectrophotometric determination of trace amount of Pd(Ⅱ) with 2, 2′-dithiodianiline[J]. Talanta, 2000, 52: 1055?1060.

[11] Lokhande T N, Anuse M A, Chavan M B. Liquid-liquid extraction of palladium(Ⅱ) with N-n-octylaniline from hydrochloric acid media[J]. Talanta, 1998, 46: 163?169.

[12] Lewis P A, Morris D F C, Short E L, Waters D N. Application of solvent extraction to the refining of precious metals Ⅳ. Practical and structural aspects of the separation of rhodium, palladium, iridium and platinum with organic sulphoxides[J]. J Less-Common Met, 1976, 45: 193?214.

[13] Price J H, Williamson A N, Schramm R F, Wanyland B B. Palladium(II) and platinum(II) alkyl sulfoxide complexes. Examples of sulfur-bonded, mixed sulfur- and oxygen- bonded, and totally oxygen-bonded complexes[J]. Inorg Chem, 1972, 11(6): 1280?1284.

[14] 宁永成. 有机化合物结构鉴定与有机波谱学[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2000: 485?497.
NING Yong-cheng. Structure identification of organic compound and organic spectroscopy[M]. Beijing: Science Publishing Company, 2000: 485?497.

[15] Ciriano M A, Sebastián S, Oro L A, Tiripcchio A, Lahoz F J. Tetranuclear complexes as intermediates in transannular oxidative-addition reactions. Structure of the first tetrairidium linear cluster[J]. Angew Chem Int Ed Eng, 1988, 27(3): 402?403.

[16] Ciriano M A, López J, Oro L A, Pérez-Torrente J J, Canfranchi M, Tiripicchio A. Oxidation of substrates by an iridium dioxygen complexes: intramolecular oxidation of carbon monoxide and activation of a carbonyl group by attack of a heterocyclic nitrogen[J]. Organometallics, 1995, 14: 4764?4775.

[17] Zhang L X, Zhou X G, Huang Z E, Cai R F, Fluang X Y. Synthesis and characterization of biscyclopentadienyllanthanide benzothiazole-2-thiolates. X-ray crystal structures of Cp2Ln(SBT)(THF)(Ln=Yb, Dy)[J]. Polyhedron, 1999, 18: 1533?1537.

[18] Ito M, Furuhashi A, Shimoi M. Crystal and molecular structures of bis[2-(2-benzoxazoly)phenol-N] dichloropalladium(Ⅱ)[J]. Polyhedron, 1997, 16(11): 1889?1893.

[19] 孟令芝,龚淑玲,何永炳. 有机波普分析(第二版)[M]. 武汉:武汉大学出版社, 2003: 66?120.
MENG Ling-zhi, GONG Shu-ling, HE Yong-bing. Analysis of organic spectroscopy[M]. Wuhan: Wuhan University Publishing Company, 2003: 66?120.



通讯作者:李耀威,博士;电话: 020-39310250;E-mail:

(编辑 龙怀中)

摘  要:合成了异戊基苯并噻唑亚砜(ABSO),研究了盐酸介质中ABSO萃取Pd(Ⅱ)的机理。考察水相H+浓度和萃取剂浓度对钯萃取的影响, 采用斜率法、红外光谱和核磁共振H谱法确定了萃合物的组成及萃取平衡的机理。结果表明:低酸度条件下,H+浓度对钯的分配比无影响,ABSO以中性配位萃取机理萃取Pd(Ⅱ),并通过苯并噻唑环上的氮原子与Pd(Ⅱ)配位形成萃合物PdCl2(ABSO)2

[1] Lokhande, T N, Anuse M A, Chavan M B. Liquid–liquid extraction of palladium(Ⅱ) with N-n-octylaniline from hydrochloric acid media[J]. Talanta, 1998, 46: 163?169.

[2] Szczepanska I, Borowiak-Resterna A, Wisniewski M. New pyridinecarboxamides for rapid extraction of palladium from acidic chloride media [J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2003, 68: 159?170.

[3] Wisniewski M. Palladium(Ⅱ) extraction by pyridine carboxylic acid esters[J]. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2000, 256: 693?696.

[4] Uheida A, Zhang Y, Muhammed M. Selective extraction of palladium(Ⅱ) from chloride solutions with nonylthiourea dissolved in chloroform[J]. Solv Extr Ion Exch,2002, 20(6): 717?733.

[5] 张邦劳. 不对称二烷基亚砜的合成及其对Au(Ⅲ)、Pd(Ⅱ)、Pt(Ⅳ)的萃取性能研究[J]. 陕西师范大学学报:自然科学版, 1998, 26(2): 70?73.ZHANG Bang-lao. Synthesis of asymmetric dialkyl sulfoxides and structure-reactivity and extraction of Au(Ⅲ), Pd(Ⅱ) and Pt(Ⅳ)[J]. Journal of Shaanxi Normal University: Natural Science Edition, 1998, 26(2): 70?73.

[6] 程 飞,龙惕吾. 石油亚砜的极性与萃取钯铂性能的关系[J]. 贵金属, 1992, 13(1): 10?13.CHENG Fei, LONG Ti-wu. Relation between petroleum sulfoxide polarity and extraction properties for palladium and platinum[J]. Precious Metals, 1992, 13(1): 10?13.

[7] 陈 景. 钯(Ⅱ)氯配离子在一些化学反应中的两种反应现象与机理[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2005, 15(3): 327?333.CHEN Jing. Two different phenomena and mechanisms of Pdcl2-4 in some chemical reactions [J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2005, 15(3): 327?333.

[8] Preston J S, du Preez A C. Solvent extraction of platinum group metals from hydrochloric acid solutions by dialkyl sulphoxides[J]. Solvent Extr Ion Exch, 2002, 20(3): 359?374.

[9] 李耀威,古国榜,李立平,徐志广. 烃基?苯并噻唑亚砜从硫脲介质中萃取金的性能研究[J]. 贵金属, 2004, 25(4): 1?5.LI Yao-wei, GU Guo-bang, LI Li-ping, XU Zhi-guang. Solvent extraction of Au(I) from gold-thiourea leaching solution by alkyl benzothiazole sulphoxides[J]. Precious Metals, 2004, 25(4): 1?5.

[10] Gholivand M B, Nozari N. Extraction and spectrophotometric determination of trace amount of Pd(Ⅱ) with 2, 2′-dithiodianiline[J]. Talanta, 2000, 52: 1055?1060.

[11] Lokhande T N, Anuse M A, Chavan M B. Liquid-liquid extraction of palladium(Ⅱ) with N-n-octylaniline from hydrochloric acid media[J]. Talanta, 1998, 46: 163?169.

[12] Lewis P A, Morris D F C, Short E L, Waters D N. Application of solvent extraction to the refining of precious metals Ⅳ. Practical and structural aspects of the separation of rhodium, palladium, iridium and platinum with organic sulphoxides[J]. J Less-Common Met, 1976, 45: 193?214.

[13] Price J H, Williamson A N, Schramm R F, Wanyland B B. Palladium(II) and platinum(II) alkyl sulfoxide complexes. Examples of sulfur-bonded, mixed sulfur- and oxygen- bonded, and totally oxygen-bonded complexes[J]. Inorg Chem, 1972, 11(6): 1280?1284.

[14] 宁永成. 有机化合物结构鉴定与有机波谱学[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2000: 485?497.NING Yong-cheng. Structure identification of organic compound and organic spectroscopy[M]. Beijing: Science Publishing Company, 2000: 485?497.

[15] Ciriano M A, Sebastián S, Oro L A, Tiripcchio A, Lahoz F J. Tetranuclear complexes as intermediates in transannular oxidative-addition reactions. Structure of the first tetrairidium linear cluster[J]. Angew Chem Int Ed Eng, 1988, 27(3): 402?403.

[16] Ciriano M A, López J, Oro L A, Pérez-Torrente J J, Canfranchi M, Tiripicchio A. Oxidation of substrates by an iridium dioxygen complexes: intramolecular oxidation of carbon monoxide and activation of a carbonyl group by attack of a heterocyclic nitrogen[J]. Organometallics, 1995, 14: 4764?4775.

[17] Zhang L X, Zhou X G, Huang Z E, Cai R F, Fluang X Y. Synthesis and characterization of biscyclopentadienyllanthanide benzothiazole-2-thiolates. X-ray crystal structures of Cp2Ln(SBT)(THF)(Ln=Yb, Dy)[J]. Polyhedron, 1999, 18: 1533?1537.

[18] Ito M, Furuhashi A, Shimoi M. Crystal and molecular structures of bis[2-(2-benzoxazoly)phenol-N] dichloropalladium(Ⅱ)[J]. Polyhedron, 1997, 16(11): 1889?1893.

[19] 孟令芝,龚淑玲,何永炳. 有机波普分析(第二版)[M]. 武汉:武汉大学出版社, 2003: 66?120.MENG Ling-zhi, GONG Shu-ling, HE Yong-bing. Analysis of organic spectroscopy[M]. Wuhan: Wuhan University Publishing Company, 2003: 66?120.