



(江西理工大学 材料与化学工程学院,赣州 341000)

摘 要:

针对铝酸钠溶液成分浓度软测量模型的研究现状,为进一步提高软测量精度和命中率,提出多约束条件求解思想, 建立基于BP神经网络的软测量数学模型。该模型以溶液温度和各成分浓度为网络输入变量,对应电导率为输出变量,运用BP网络误差反向传播、权数调整原理实现在多样本约束条件下的网络逆映射求解。实例验证结果表明,该模型能较好地反映铝酸钠溶液电导率与成分浓度、温度间的内在规律,泛化检验散点电导率平均相对误差为1.74%;在多约束条件下,各软测量浓度与实际浓度的相对误差≤2.5%,且浓度适应范围较宽。该研究为实现铝酸钠溶液在线检测奠定了良好的数模基础。



中图分类号:TF 821;TF 355.4       文献标识码:A

Soft sensor model of sodium aluminate solution based on

 BP neural network with inverse mapping algorithm

TONG Chang-ren, LI Ming-zhou, WU Jin-cai, LIU Dao-bin

(Faculty of Materials Science and Chemistry Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China)

Abstract: Considering present soft sensor model research of sodium aluminate solution composition concentration, the multiple restrictive conditions solving thinking was presented to improve its soft-sensing precision and hit rate, and the soft-sensing mathematic model was established based on BP neural network. The sodium aluminate solution temperature and the component concentration were selected as the input nodes, and the corresponding electrical conductivity as the output node. Inverse mapping solution was achieved by combining organically the back-propagation principle and the weights values adjustment principle. Results show that the model can reflect the laws among electrical conductivity, composition concentration and temperature, and the average relative error of electrical conductivity at the generalization test is 1.74%; the relative error between the soft-sensing concentration and the real composition concentration is not more than 2.5%; the model is effective to soft measure the sodium aluminate solution compositon concentration waving in wider range, and thus the research lays a better foundation to achieve measure on-line in sodium aluminate solution.

Key words: BP neural network; inverse mapping algorithm; sodium aluminate solution; soft-sensing model


在拜耳法氧化铝生产过程中,铝酸钠溶液是重要的中间产物,其主要化学成分为氧化铝、苛性钠、碳酸钠[1]。各主要成分的浓度反映了氧化铝生产过程的状况,是工艺参数调整控制的重要判据。因此,分析其化学成分浓度是氧化铝生产过程中一项重要的工作。目前,铝酸钠溶液成分浓度的测定,是通过人工定时取样,采用常规分析方法完成。该方式工作量  大,周期长,结果滞后,不利于及时指导生产。因    此,为实现铝酸钠溶液在线自动检测,开展铝酸钠溶液软测量[2-6]模型研究,对提高拜耳法氧化铝生产过程作业水平具有重要的现实意义。本文作者在分析铝酸钠溶液软测量模型研究现状的基础上,提出并建立了基于BP人工神经网络(ANN)[7-10]、采用多约束条件逆映射求解算法的铝酸钠溶液成分软测量数学模型。

1  铝酸钠溶液软测量数模现状




2  多约束逆映射铝酸钠溶液软测量BP模型

2.1  网络输入输出模式的确定


图1  输入输出模式结构A

Fig.1  Construction of In & Out Model A

图2  输入输出模式结构B

Fig.2  Construction of In & Out Model B



1) 输入输出结点数目较多,网络训练较为困难;

2) 对训练样本要求高,每一样本都应由n个一定温度下的电导率和成分浓度组成;

3) 约束条件数(等于输入结点数n)固定,灵活性和自适应性差。



2.2  多约束条件的BP网络逆映射原理



图3  BP逆映射神经网络

Fig.3  BP inverse mapping ANN


3  铝酸钠溶液软测量数模实例

3.1  样本数据

本实例采用的97条样本数据摘自《氧化铝生产手册》[17] ,数据变化范围为:ρA 120~320 g/L;ρk 108~320 g/L;t 30~80 ℃;电导率γ:0.033~0.51 S/cm。为了检验模型的散点电导率泛化能力和多点约束逆映射软测量效果,使用69条样本作为训练样本集(见表1),其余样本作为泛化检验样本集(见表2)。

3.2  网络结构




3.3  网络训练与效果检验



表1  BP神经网路训练样本

Table 1  Training samples of BP artificial neural network

表2  散点电导率泛化检验结果

Table 2  Generalization analysis results of dispersal points electrical conductivity

表3  多点约束逆映射软测量检验结果

Table 3  Analysis result of inverse mapping with multiple constraints soft sensor

图4  不同氧化铝浓度样本电导率与温度的关系

Fig.4 Relations between electrical conductivity and temperature for samples in different concentrations of alumina

图5  不同苛性钠浓度样本电导率与温度的关系

Fig.5 Relations between electrical conductivity and temperature for samples in different concentrations of caustic soda

4  结论

1) 基于BP神经网络的铝酸钠溶液软测量模型,较好地反映了溶液电导率与成分浓度、温度间的内在规律。拟合精度高,泛化能力强,泛化检验散点电导率平均相对误差为1.74%。

2) 多约束条件逆映射求解算法软测量精度较高,输出估计浓度与实际浓度的相对误差不大于2.5%。

3) 模型对铝酸钠溶液成分浓度适应范围较宽。在本文实例中,ρA为120~320 g/L,ρk为108~320 g/L。

4) 所建立的模型为实现铝酸钠溶液成分浓度在线检测奠定了良好的数模基础。


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HUANG Ying-chun, LI Xin-guang, LU Tie-zhuang, ZHANG shi, ZHANG ping. Model and resolution of the on-line system for measuring the densities of the composition of sodium aluminum solution[J]. Control and Decision, 2004, 19(1): 111-113.

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ZHANG Wei-hua, MEI Chi, E Jia-qiang, LIU Hu-bin. Soft-sensing model for copper liquid temperature of heat preservation phase in copper refining rotary anode furnace and its application[J]. Metallurgical Industry Automation, 2005(1): 19-23.

[17] AGELANOFSJI A A. 氧化铝生产手册[M]. 沈阳铝镁设计院. 北京: 冶金工业出版社, 1974: 46-47.
AGELANOFSJI A A. Manuals of alumina production[M]. Shenyang Aluminum and Magnesium Engineering and Research Institute. Beijing: Metallurgy Industry Press, 1974: 46-47.




(编辑 陈爱华)

摘  要:针对铝酸钠溶液成分浓度软测量模型的研究现状,为进一步提高软测量精度和命中率,提出多约束条件求解思想, 建立基于BP神经网络的软测量数学模型。该模型以溶液温度和各成分浓度为网络输入变量,对应电导率为输出变量,运用BP网络误差反向传播、权数调整原理实现在多样本约束条件下的网络逆映射求解。实例验证结果表明,该模型能较好地反映铝酸钠溶液电导率与成分浓度、温度间的内在规律,泛化检验散点电导率平均相对误差为1.74%;在多约束条件下,各软测量浓度与实际浓度的相对误差≤2.5%,且浓度适应范围较宽。该研究为实现铝酸钠溶液在线检测奠定了良好的数模基础。

[1] 杨重愚. 轻金属冶金学[M]. 北京: 冶金土业出版社, 1991: 21-30.YANG Chong-yu. Light metals metallurgy[M]. Beijing: Metallurgy Industry Press, 1991: 21-30.

[2] 徐 敏, 俞金寿. 软测量技术[J]. 石油化工自动化, 1998(2): 1-3.XU Min, YU Jin-shou. Soft-sensing technique[J]. Automation in Petro-Chemical Industry, 1998(2): 1-3.

[3] THAM M T, MONTAGUE G A. Soft-sensors for process estimation and inferential control[J]. J Process Control, 1991, 1(1): 3-14.

[4] 朱学峰. 软测量技术及其应用[J]. 华南理工大学学报: 自然科学版, 2002, 30(11): 61-67.ZHU Xue-feng. Soft-sensing technique and its applications[J]. Journal of South China University of Technology: Natural Science, 2002, 30(11): 61-67.

[5] 李 凌. 软测量过程中的若干建模方法研究[J]. 沈阳化工学院学报, 2006, 20(2): 118-120.

[6] 孔建益, 李公法, 熊禾根, 蒋国璋, 杨金堂, 王兴东, 侯 宇. 工业生产中软测量建模方法及其应用研究[J]. 机床与液压, 2007, 35(6): 149-151.KONG Jian-yi, LI Gong-fa, XIONG He-gen, JIANG Guo-zhang, YANG Jin-tang, WANG Xing-dong, HOU Yu. Research on soft-sensing modeling methods and its application in industrial production[J]. Machine Tool & Hydraulics, 2007, 35(6): 149-151.

[7] 刘瑞兰, 苏宏业, 褚 健. 模糊神经网络的混合学习算法及其软测量建模[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2005, 17(12): 2878-2881.LIU Rui-lan, SU Hong-ye, CHU Jian. Fuzzy neural network based on hybrid learning algorithm and its application to soft sensor[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2005, 17(12): 2878-2881.

[8] 刘载文, 王正祥, 王小艺, 杨 斌, 程志强. 过程神经元网络学习算法及软测量方法的研究[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2007, 19(7): 1456-1459.LIU Zai-wen, WANG Zheng-xiang, WANG Xiao-yi, YANG Bin, CHENG Zhi-qiang. Study on training algorithms and soft sensing method of process neural network[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2007, 19(7): 1456~1459.

[9] Venkatasubramanian V, King C. A neural network methodology for process fault diagnosis[J]. American Institute of Chemical Engineerrs Journal, 1989, 35(12): 1993-2002.

[10] 常玉清, 王小刚, 王福利. 基于多神经网络模型的软测量方法及应用[J]. 东北大学学报: 自然科学版, 2005, 26(6): 519-522.CHANG Yu-qing, WANG Xiao-gang, WANG Fu-li. Multi neural network method for soft sensing and its application[J]. Journal of Northeastern University: Natural Science, 2005, 26(6): 519-522.

[11] 张明健. 基于三温三电导法的铝酸钠溶液在线实时测量[D]. 辽宁工程技术大学, 2004: 6-17.

[12] 张 石, 张宏勋, 毕诗文, 杨毅宏. 三参数法在线实时测量铝酸钠溶液的化学成分[J]. 东北大学学报: 自然科学版, 1996, 17(3): 243-247.ZHANG Shi, ZHANG Hong-xun, BI Shi-wen, YANG Yi-hong. Three parameter method for the real time concentration measurement of industrial sodium aluminate solution[J]. Journal of Northeastern University: Natural Science, 1996, 17(3): 243-247.

[13] 李志宏, 杜 娟, 马 莹, 张 平, 路铁桩, 张 石. 铝酸钠溶液化学成分实时测量系统设计及应用[J]. 仪器仪表学报, 2005, 26(10): 1019-1022.

[14] 黄迎春, 李新光, 路铁桩, 张 石, 张 平. 铝酸钠溶液成分浓度在线测定系统数学模型的建立与求解[J].控制与决策, 2004, 19(1): 111-113.HUANG Ying-chun, LI Xin-guang, LU Tie-zhuang, ZHANG shi, ZHANG ping. Model and resolution of the on-line system for measuring the densities of the composition of sodium aluminum solution[J]. Control and Decision, 2004, 19(1): 111-113.

[15] 王洪元. 人工神经网络技术及其应用[M]. 北京: 中国石化出版社, 2002: 29-38.WANG Hong-yuan. Technologies and applications of artificial neural network[M]. Beijing: China Petrochemical Press, 2002: 29-38.

[16] 张卫华, 梅 炽, 鄂加强, 刘湖滨. 铜精炼炉保温过程铜液温度软测量模型及应用[J]. 冶金自动化, 2005(1): 19-23.ZHANG Wei-hua, MEI Chi, E Jia-qiang, LIU Hu-bin. Soft-sensing model for copper liquid temperature of heat preservation phase in copper refining rotary anode furnace and its application[J]. Metallurgical Industry Automation, 2005(1): 19-23.

[17] AGELANOFSJI A A. 氧化铝生产手册[M]. 沈阳铝镁设计院. 北京: 冶金工业出版社, 1974: 46-47.AGELANOFSJI A A. Manuals of alumina production[M]. Shenyang Aluminum and Magnesium Engineering and Research Institute. Beijing: Metallurgy Industry Press, 1974: 46-47.