
DOI: 10.11817/j.ysxb.1004.0609.2021-37829


沈  丁1,2,王来贵2,唐树伟1,高思达1,孙  闻1,董  伟#1,杨绍斌#1

(1 辽宁工程技术大学 材料科学与工程学院,辽宁 阜新 123000;

2 辽宁工程技术大学 力学与工程学院,辽宁 阜新 123000)

摘 要:




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锂离子电池具有能量密度大、工作电压高及循环寿命长等优点,在便携式移动电子设备和电动汽车等行业得到广泛应用。锂离子电池的储锂性能与电极材料有关,石墨负极材料具有循环寿命长和成本低等优点,是目前市场化最高和理论研究关注最多的电极材料之一。但理论储锂容量为372 mAh/g,不能满足锂离子电池对高容量的需求,开发高容量锂离子电池及其电极材料成为目前储能技术领域研究的热点[1]

石墨烯具有超大的比表面积,良好的导电性和非常高的力学强度,在储能电极材料中具有良好的应用前景,成为目前锂离子电池高容量负极材料研究的热点[2,3]。郭翠静等[4]合成的多孔石墨烯,在30 mA/g电流密度下的容量达822 mAh/g,并且具有较高的循环性能和倍率性能。唐诗怡等[5]采用AFM和拉曼成像技术研究石墨烯的嵌锂行为,发现锂离子主要在石墨烯层间扩散,而在层间扩散受阻。

贾颖等[6]采用第一性原理计算研究了Li在石墨烯表面的吸附和迁移行为,发现Li扩散路径主要是跨越C-C键桥,扩散能垒为0.336 eV。Zhang等[7]研究了石墨烯表面锂离子的扩散系数和能垒,推导出能垒预测方程。Yildirim等[8]计算研究了石墨烯缺陷对Li原子的影响,发现Stone-Wales缺陷和双空位缺陷对Li的结合强度更高,并且增加缺陷密度会进一步增强与Li的相互作用。Liu等[9]计算研究发现,B取代掺杂石墨烯可以有效提高储锂容量,层状C3B的最大储锂容量为714 mAh/g,约为石墨储锂容量的两倍。Rani等[10]计算发现,B或N掺杂可以调节Li和石墨烯之间的键合特性和结合能。Koh等[11]计算研究了Li在石墨烯-富勒烯杂化体系上的吸附机理,发现杂化体系对Li的吸附比石墨烯稳定,并且Li优先吸附在富勒烯侧。David等[12]计算发现,石墨烯与C3N4形成的异质结能够分散沉积更多的Li原子,并且具有快速的电荷转移能力。另外,石墨烯也可以用于锂离子电池的新型导电剂[13,14]


1  理论计算方法

在锂离子电池石墨烯负极的充电过程中,Li原子逐步沉积在石墨烯表面,反应可以描述为G+nLiLin-G;其中G为6×6的石墨烯超胞,n为Li原子数量,Lin-G为石墨烯表面沉积Li原子或Lin(n<10)团聚体形成的化合物。采用基于密度泛函理论的平面波赝势方法的CASTEP软件包[15]对Lin-G化合物的最低能量构型、吸附能、差分密度电荷和态密度等性质进行理论计算。计算过程中交换关联能采用广义梯度近似(GGA)下的PBE泛函和范德华修正的Grimme方法[16]。通过收敛性测试,平面波展开的截断能设为500 eV,Monkhorst-Pack型k点网格分布[17]设为5×5×1,原子的总能量收敛标准设为1.0×10-5 eV/atom,力收敛标准设为0.2 eV/nm。为了消除周期性镜像之间的影响,真空层选取2 nm。计算得到6×6的石墨烯超胞中C-C键长为0.1420 nm,与文献结果一致[18]


△Eab=[E(Lin-G)-E(G)-nE(Li)]/n                                (1)


2  结果和讨论

2.1  沉积构型分析

石墨烯表面沉积单个Li原子,最可能有三种位置,分别为碳六元环中心正上方(记为H位),碳-碳键中心正上方(记为B位),碳原子正上方(记为T位),如图1所示。通过结构优化发现,Li原子在H位的吸附能量△Eab最低,为-1.9030 eV;在B位和T位的△Eab依次增大,分别为-1.5282和-1.5275 eV。计算结果表明,单个Li原子优先沉积在石墨烯H位,沉积高度h最低,为0.1803 nm;Li原子与石墨烯发生相互作用,导致石墨烯碳平面发生上下位移,△h值也最低,仅为0.0009 nm;此时对应Li与C原子之间的平均距离为dLi-C为0.2295 nm,接近石墨嵌锂化合物LiC6中Li-C键长(0.2331 nm)。

图1  石墨烯表面单个Li原子的沉积行为

Fig.1  Deposition behavior of single Li atom on graphene

当石墨烯表面沉积2个Li原子,沉积构型以及△Eab、h、△h、dLi-C与Li原子之间距离的关系见图2。随着Li原子之间距离的增大,△Eab值逐渐降低并趋于平缓,h值先降低后小幅增大;表明2个Li原子优先以分散的形式沉积在石墨烯碳六元环中心上方位置。当2个Li原子相隔一个碳六元环,距离为0.5054 nm时,h值最小,为0.1776 nm,△h为0.0014 nm;此时对应dLi-C值也最小,为0.2282 nm,比单个Li原子沉积在石墨烯H位的dLi-C更小;表明2个Li原子以这种构型沉积在石墨烯表面,Li原子与石墨烯之间的相互作用较强。

图2  石墨烯表面2个Li原子的沉积行为

Fig.2 The deposition behavior of 2 Li atoms on graphened

当石墨烯表面沉积3个Li原子,沉积构型包含团聚体构型和分散构型,见图3。吸附能计算结果表明,与分散构型相比,3个Li原子优先形成团聚体,以平行于石墨烯平面的三角形构型沉积在石墨烯表面,吸附能△Eab最低,为-1.6769 eV,如图3(a)所示。在能量最低构型中,Li原子的平均沉积高度h为0.1938 nm,比单个Li原子和2个Li原子的沉积平均高度高;dLi-C值为0.2414,比LiC6中Li-C键长(0.2331 nm)长;而dLi-Li值为0.2771 nm,比金属Li的Li-Li键长短;这表明平行于石墨烯平面的三角形构型Li3团聚体与石墨烯之间的相互作用,比单个Li原子或2个Li原子沉积时的相互作用有所减弱。

图3  石墨烯表面3个Li原子的沉积构型

Fig.3  The deposition configurations of 3 Li atoms on graphene


图4  石墨烯表面Lin团聚体的沉积行为与Li原子数之间的关系

Fig.4  The relationship between the deposition behavior of Lin aggregate on graphene and the number of Li atoms


3.2  电子结构分析



图5  石墨烯表面沉积Li原子或Lin团聚体的电子密度差分图(图中数据为Li原子Mulliken布居)

Fig. 5  Three-dimensional charge density difference of Li atom or Lin aggregate on graphene (The data in the figure are Mulliken population of Li atom)




图6  石墨烯表面沉积Li原子或Lin团聚体的ELF图

Fig. 6  Electron localization function of Li atom or Lin aggregate on graphene

石墨烯以及表面沉积单个Li原子、Li4、Li7和Li9团聚体的态密度图如图7所示。对于石墨烯,-20~-10 eV为石墨烯sp2杂化形成的△键,-10~0 eV为石墨烯的π轨道,0~5 eV为石墨烯的反键π轨道。当石墨烯表面沉积Li原子以后,Li原子的2s电子注入石墨烯的反键轨道,石墨烯反键轨道的电子态峰升高;同时Li原子的2s轨道和C原子的2p轨道出现杂化现象,二者形成的Li-C键为具有部分共价键属性的离子键。随着Li原子数量n的增多,费米能级向反键轨道移动,费米能级始终有电子态,Lin-G体系的金属性和电子导电性逐渐增强。

图7  石墨烯及表面沉积Li原子或Lin团聚体的态密度图

Fig. 7  Density of states of Li atom or Lin aggregate on graphene

3  结论





[1] Raccichini R, Varzi A, Passerini S, et al. The role of graphene for electrochemical energy storage[J]. Nature Materials, 2015, 14(3): 271-279.

[2] Dong Yanfeng, Wu ZhongShuai, Ren Wencai, et al. Graphene: a promising 2D material for electrochemical energy storage[J]. Sci Bull, 2017, 62(10): 724-740.

[3] 沈丁, 杨绍斌, 李思南, 等. 基于第一性原理Sn-Li合金嵌锂性能和弹性性能的计算与预测[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2017, 27(2): 282-288.

SHEN Ding, YANG Shao-bin, LI Si-nan, et al. Calculation and prediction of lithium insertion properties and elastic properties for Sn-Li alloy based on first-principle[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2017, 27(2): 282-288.

[4] 郭翠静, 沈进冉, 李展鹏, 等. 多孔石墨烯的制备与储锂性能研究[J]. 电源技术, 2020, 44(2): 153-155+222.

GUO Cui-jing, SHEN Jin-ran, LI Zhan-peng, et al. Synthesis and lithium storage performances of porous graphene[J]. Chinese Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 44(2): 153-155+222.

[5] 唐诗怡, 鹿高甜, 苏毅, 等. 石墨烯嵌锂的拉曼成像[J/OL]. 物理化学学报: 1-6 [2021-08-05].

Shi Yi-tang, Gao Tian-lu, Yi Su, et al. Raman mapping of lithiation process on graphene[J/OL]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2021.

[6] 贾颖. Li在石墨烯表面吸附与迁移的第一性原理研究[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(S2): 43-47.

JIA Ying. First principle calculations on adsorption and diffusion behavior of Li on graphene surface[J]. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(S2): 43-47.

[7] Zhong Kehua, Yang Yanmin, Xu Guigui, et al. An ab initio and kinetic monte carlo simulation study of lithium ion diffusion on graphene[J]. Materials, 2017, 10(7): 1-17.

[8] Yildirim H, Kinaci A, Zhao Z J, et al. First-principles analysis of defect-mediated Li adsorption on graphene[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2014, 6(23): 21141–21150.

[9] Liu Yuanyue, Artyukhov Vasilii I, Liu Mingjie, et al. Feasibility of lithium storage on graphene and its derivatives[J]. J Phys Chem Lett, 2013, 4(10): 1737-1742.

[10] Rani B, Jindal V K, Dharamvir K. Energetics of a Li atom adsorbed on B/N doped graphene with monovacancy[J]. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016: 67-75.

[11] Wonsang Koh, Hye Sook Moon, Seung Geol Lee, et al. A first-principles study of lithium adsorption on a graphene-fullerene nanohybrid system[J]. Chem Phys Chem, 2015, 16(4): 789-795.

[12] David Adekoya, Zhang Shanqing, Marlies Hankel. 1D/2D C3N4/graphene composite as a preferred anode material for lithium ion batteries: importance of heterostructure design via DFT computation[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2020, 12(23): 25875–25883.

[13] 李用, 吕小慧, 苏方远, 等. 石墨烯/炭黑杂化材料: 新型、高效锂离子电池二元导电剂[J]. 新型炭材料, 2015, 30(2): 128-132.

LI Yong, LU Xiao-hui, SU Fang-yuan, et al. A graphene/carbon black hybrid material: a novel binary conductive additive for lithium-ion batteries[J]. New Carbon Materials, 2015, 30(2): 128-132.

[14] Wei Xufang, Guan Yibiao, Zheng Xiaohui, et al. Improvement on high rate performance of LiFePO4 cathodes using graphene as a conductive agent[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 440: 748-754.

[15] VANDERBILT, D. Soft self-consistent pseudopotentials in a generalized eigenvalue formalism[J]. Physical Review B, 1990, 41, 7892-7895

[16] Segall M D, Lindan P J D, Probert M J, et al. First-principles simulation: ideas, illustrations and the CASTEP code[J]. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2002, 14(11): 2717-2744.

[17] MONKHORST H J, PACK J D. Special points for Brillouin-zone integrations[J]. Physical Review B, 1976, 13(12): 5188-5192.

[18] Chang C, Yin S, Xu J. Exploring high-energy and mechanically robust anode materials based on doped graphene for lithium-ion batteries: a first-principles study[J]. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(23):13662-13668.

[19] Lee E, Persson K A. Li absorption and intercalation in single layer graphene and few layer graphene by first principles[J]. Nano Letters, 2012, 12(9): 4624-4628.

Deposition behavior of Lin (n<10) aggregates on graphene based on first-principles calculations

SHEN Ding1,2, WANG Lai-gui2, TANG Shu-wei1, GAO Si-da1, SUN Wen1, Dong Wei#1, YANG Shao-bin#1

(1 College of Materials Science and Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000;

2 School of Mechanics and Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China)

Abstract: Deposition behavior of Li atoms or aggregates Lin (n<10) on graphene negative electrodes for lithium-ion batteries was investigated by the first principles calculations based on density functional theory. The calculation result shows that Li atom preferentially deposits above the center of the carbon six-membered ring of graphene in a dispersed form when n≤2. As the number of Li atoms increases, Li atoms preferentially aggregate to reunite and deposit on graphene when n≥3. It is possible to form Li4, Li7 and Li9 stable agglomerates in the charging process of the lithium ion battery, which indicates that the maximum lithium storage capacity of graphene may exceed that of graphite. However, the lithium dendrites would be formed easily. The electronic structure analysis shows that the electrons of Li atom or Lin aggregates transfer to the anti-bonded π orbital of graphene, and the 2s orbital of Li atom and the 2p orbital of C atom are obviously hybridized. The Fermi level of the system moves to the graphene anti-bond π orbital as the number of Li atoms n increases, which led to the result that the metallicity and electronic conductivity increase. The Li-Li bond at the bottom of the Lin agglomerate is usually an ionic bond and the outermost Li-Li bond is usually a covalent bond. The Li-C bond between the Lin agglomerate and graphene is an ionic bond with partial covalent bond property and the strength of the Li-C bond gradually decreases as the number of Li atoms n increases.

Key words: lithium ion battery, graphene, Lin agglomerates, first-principles, deposition behavior

Foundation item: Projects (51874167, 21808095, 51774175) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China;  Projects (2018M641707) supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded; Projects (LNTU20TD-09) supported by the Discipline Innovation Team of Liaoning Technical University.

Corresponding author: YANG Shao-bin; Tel: 0418-3352741;




摘  要:采用基于密度泛函的第一性原理,计算研究了锂离子电池石墨烯表面Li原子或团聚体Lin(n<10)的沉积行为。结果表明,当Li原子数n≤2时,Li原子优先以分散的形式沉积在石墨烯碳六元环中心上方;当n≥3时,Li原子优先以团聚体的形式沉积在石墨烯表面,可能形成稳定的Li4、Li7和Li9团聚体。这表明石墨烯的最大储锂容量可能超过石墨,但容易形成锂枝晶。Li原子的电子转移至临近石墨烯的反键π轨道,Li原子的2s轨道和C原子的2p轨道出现明显的杂化现象。随着n增大,体系的费米能级向石墨烯反键π轨道移动,金属性和电子导电性增强。Lin团聚体底层的Li-Li键通常为离子键,最外层的Li-Li键通常为共价键;Li-C键为具有部分共价键属性的离子键,并且Li-C键强度随着n的增大而逐减小。

[1] Raccichini R, Varzi A, Passerini S, et al. The role of graphene for electrochemical energy storage[J]. Nature Materials, 2015, 14(3): 271-279.

[2] Dong Yanfeng, Wu ZhongShuai, Ren Wencai, et al. Graphene: a promising 2D material for electrochemical energy storage[J]. Sci Bull, 2017, 62(10): 724-740.

[3] 沈丁, 杨绍斌, 李思南, 等. 基于第一性原理Sn-Li合金嵌锂性能和弹性性能的计算与预测[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2017, 27(2): 282-288.

SHEN Ding, YANG Shao-bin, LI Si-nan, et al. Calculation and prediction of lithium insertion properties and elastic properties for Sn-Li alloy based on first-principle[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2017, 27(2): 282-288.

[4] 郭翠静, 沈进冉, 李展鹏, 等. 多孔石墨烯的制备与储锂性能研究[J]. 电源技术, 2020, 44(2): 153-155+222.

GUO Cui-jing, SHEN Jin-ran, LI Zhan-peng, et al. Synthesis and lithium storage performances of porous graphene[J]. Chinese Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 44(2): 153-155+222.

[5] 唐诗怡, 鹿高甜, 苏毅, 等. 石墨烯嵌锂的拉曼成像[J/OL]. 物理化学学报: 1-6 [2021-08-05].

Shi Yi-tang, Gao Tian-lu, Yi Su, et al. Raman mapping of lithiation process on graphene[J/OL]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2021.

[6] 贾颖. Li在石墨烯表面吸附与迁移的第一性原理研究[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(S2): 43-47.

JIA Ying. First principle calculations on adsorption and diffusion behavior of Li on graphene surface[J]. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(S2): 43-47.

[7] Zhong Kehua, Yang Yanmin, Xu Guigui, et al. An ab initio and kinetic monte carlo simulation study of lithium ion diffusion on graphene[J]. Materials, 2017, 10(7): 1-17.

[8] Yildirim H, Kinaci A, Zhao Z J, et al. First-principles analysis of defect-mediated Li adsorption on graphene[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2014, 6(23): 21141–21150.

[9] Liu Yuanyue, Artyukhov Vasilii I, Liu Mingjie, et al. Feasibility of lithium storage on graphene and its derivatives[J]. J Phys Chem Lett, 2013, 4(10): 1737-1742.

[10] Rani B, Jindal V K, Dharamvir K. Energetics of a Li atom adsorbed on B/N doped graphene with monovacancy[J]. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016: 67-75.

[11] Wonsang Koh, Hye Sook Moon, Seung Geol Lee, et al. A first-principles study of lithium adsorption on a graphene-fullerene nanohybrid system[J]. Chem Phys Chem, 2015, 16(4): 789-795.

[12] David Adekoya, Zhang Shanqing, Marlies Hankel. 1D/2D C3N4/graphene composite as a preferred anode material for lithium ion batteries: importance of heterostructure design via DFT computation[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2020, 12(23): 25875–25883.

[13] 李用, 吕小慧, 苏方远, 等. 石墨烯/炭黑杂化材料: 新型、高效锂离子电池二元导电剂[J]. 新型炭材料, 2015, 30(2): 128-132.

LI Yong, LU Xiao-hui, SU Fang-yuan, et al. A graphene/carbon black hybrid material: a novel binary conductive additive for lithium-ion batteries[J]. New Carbon Materials, 2015, 30(2): 128-132.

[14] Wei Xufang, Guan Yibiao, Zheng Xiaohui, et al. Improvement on high rate performance of LiFePO4 cathodes using graphene as a conductive agent[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 440: 748-754.

[15] VANDERBILT, D. Soft self-consistent pseudopotentials in a generalized eigenvalue formalism[J]. Physical Review B, 1990, 41, 7892-7895

[16] Segall M D, Lindan P J D, Probert M J, et al. First-principles simulation: ideas, illustrations and the CASTEP code[J]. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2002, 14(11): 2717-2744.

[17] MONKHORST H J, PACK J D. Special points for Brillouin-zone integrations[J]. Physical Review B, 1976, 13(12): 5188-5192.

[18] Chang C, Yin S, Xu J. Exploring high-energy and mechanically robust anode materials based on doped graphene for lithium-ion batteries: a first-principles study[J]. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(23):13662-13668.

[19] Lee E, Persson K A. Li absorption and intercalation in single layer graphene and few layer graphene by first principles[J]. Nano Letters, 2012, 12(9): 4624-4628.