

何国旗1, 2,严宏志1,胡威1,何瑛3,舒陶量2

(1. 中南大学 机电工程学院 高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室,湖南 长沙,410083;

2. 湖南工业大学 机械工程学院,湖南 株洲,412007;

3. 湖南理工职业技术学院 资源工程系,湖南 湘潭,411104)

摘 要:




中图分类号:TH132.4           文献标志码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2013)01-0095-06

Tooth contact analysis of face gear meshing

HE Guoqi1, 2, YAN Hongzhi1, HU Wei1, HE Ying3, SHU Taoliang2

(1. State Key Laboratory of High-Performance Complex Manufacturing,

School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;

2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, China;

3. Department of Resources Engineering, Hunan Vocational Institute of Technology, Xiantan 411104, China)

Abstract: According to the theory of face-gear meshing, a study was done on the tooth contact characteristics of the face-gear in meshing process. A meshing simulation of a face-gear and a cylindrical gear, with difference in the number of teeth =1-3, was conducted to obtain the contact path of face-gear tooth surface and the area and shape of contact region, with corresponding programs programmed by using MATLAB software. And the conclusion was right verified by the detection experiments on face-gear tooth surface contact. The results show that the difference in numbers of teeth of the cylindrical gear has little effect on the area and location of the contact area of the tooth surface in face-gear transmission, while the transmission ratio has a great impact on the location of the contact area of tooth surface. The larger the transmission ratio, and closer of the tooth contact area to the middle of the face gear teeth, the more improvement for the property of face-gear transmission. The area and shape of the tooth surface contact area is influenced by the manufacturing precision. The higher accuracy and more stabe, the area and shape of the tooth surface contact area bring about the higher quality of transmission. Therefore, large transmission ratio and high manufacture precision are beneficial to improve the quality of face-gear transmission.

Key words: face-gear meshing; contact path; contact area of tooth surface; transmission ratio

面齿轮传动是一种圆柱齿轮与圆锥齿轮相啮合的齿轮传动,面齿轮由尺寸与啮合中的渐开线圆柱齿轮相同或者相近的刀具经范成加工而成。面齿轮在分流-汇流传动方面的独特性[1-2]使其在航空领域尤其是新型战斗直升机中的应用具有潜在优势。面齿轮齿面接触区域是指在面齿轮啮合的轮齿表面上接触线的叠加。接触区域的大小、形状和位置不仅仅反映了单个齿轮的制造精度,同时反映了齿轮副的安装和传动精度[3],是影响齿轮副传动的承载能力、使用寿命、传动质量及效率、噪声等综合技术指标:因此,通常把齿面接触区域作为评价齿轮传动动态性能的重要依 据[4]。目前,国内外就面齿轮啮合原理、面齿轮齿面接触强度、面齿轮轮齿弯曲强度、切齿以及磨齿加工等方面开展了实验研究。Litvin等[1-2, 5-7]对面齿轮传动以及面齿轮的齿面生成、加工方法、结构应力和有限元建模分析等方面进行了研究,发展了面齿轮传动点接触理论。李政民卿等[8]对点接触面齿轮传动承载接触进行了分析。罗太景[3]对圆柱齿轮齿面接触斑痕的形式进行了分析,研究了出齿面接触斑点和传动噪声的关系,根据齿面接触斑痕形成的原因,采取相对应的质量控制方法。侯寅等[4]研究了正交面齿轮传动中的齿面接触特性,得出了圆柱齿轮和正交面齿轮接触点处主曲率的变化规律。然而,目前有关面齿轮啮合过程中齿面接触区域与圆柱齿轮的齿数及传动比之间的关系的研究报道较少,为此,本文作者通过面齿轮啮合过程中齿面接触区域的仿真及面齿轮齿面接触检测实验,研究圆柱齿轮齿数差、传动比及制造精度对面齿轮啮合接触区域的影响。

1 面齿轮啮合齿面接触的描述

1.1  面齿轮齿面方程


面齿轮齿面方程的推导可以概括为如下几步:(1) 在与刀具固结的坐标系Sm中,确定刀具齿面;(2) Sm中的刀具齿面坐标转换至与面齿轮固结的坐标框架S2中,形成依据刀具转角变化的刀具曲面组;(3) 在S2坐标框架中,由曲面组和啮合方程联立求出面齿轮齿面。面齿轮加工过程中各坐标系的关系如图2所示。

图1  面齿轮加工示意图

Fig.1  Schematic diagram of face-gear machining

图2  面齿轮加工时的坐标系

Fig.2  Coordinate system of face-gear machining






1.2  面齿轮啮合点接触轨迹方程



式中: 为从圆柱齿轮的动坐标系S1到其固定坐标系S10的坐标转换矩阵;为将去掉第4行和第4列的矩阵。





1.3  面齿轮传动接触区域面积的确定



式中:和Ei (i=l, 2)分别为2个齿轮材料的泊松比和弹性模量;系数u和v为椭圆积分函数;分别为啮合点处的圆柱齿轮齿面的2个主曲率;分别为啮合点处的面齿轮齿面的两主曲率[14-15]



2  面齿轮啮合齿面接触仿真

2.1  面齿轮啮合参数

面齿轮啮合参数为:模数m=5,压力角=20°,面齿轮齿数N2=40,加工面齿轮的刀具齿数NS=20。考虑到要使面齿轮实现点接触,圆柱齿轮的齿数应该比加工面齿轮时的刀具齿数少1~3个齿[1-4],因此,本文中圆柱齿轮齿数N1分别为17,18和19,施加名义切向力Ft=1 kN对面齿轮啮合时齿面接触区域进行仿真。

2.2  齿面接触轨迹仿真


2.3  齿面接触域仿真


图3  齿数为40的面齿轮啮合齿面接触轨迹仿真结果

Fig.3  Simulation results of tooth contact trajectory of 40-tooth face-gear meshing

2.4  仿真结果


图4  齿数为40的面齿轮啮合齿面接触接触区域仿真结果

Fig.4  Simulation of tooth contact area of 40-tooth face-gear meshing

图5  齿数为100的面齿轮啮合齿面接触轨迹仿真结果

Fig.5  Simulation of tooth contact trajectory of 100-tooth face-gear meshing

3  面齿轮齿面接触测试实验

3.1  面齿轮齿面接触检测机床


3.2  齿轮安装


3.3  齿面接触检测分析

3.3.1  柱齿轮齿数差对齿面接触区域的影响


图6  齿数为17,18和19的圆柱齿轮的齿面接触斑痕

Fig.6  Contact scars of cylindrical gears with teeth number of 17, 18 and 19, respectively

图7  面齿轮的齿面接触斑痕

Fig.7  Tooth contact scars of face-gears

3.3.2  单个齿轮的制造精度对齿面接触区域的影响

分别用铣齿和磨齿2种方法加工出2个面齿轮,铣齿后的面齿轮精度等级为7级,磨齿后的面齿轮精度等级为6级。分别将2种精度的面齿轮安装在YD9550滚动检查机上,与齿数为18的圆柱齿轮相啮合,进行齿面接触检测。经啮合30 min后,分别检查2面齿轮齿面接触情况。图8和图9所示分别为经铣齿和磨齿的面齿轮齿面接触斑痕。从实验结果看,图8中的连续3个齿面的接触斑痕(A,B和C所指区域)的大小和形状都不一样,而图9中的连续3个齿面的接触斑痕(A,B和C所指区域)的大小和形状却非常相似,可见:面齿轮齿面接触区域的大小和形状与齿轮的制造精度关系密切,精度越高,齿面接触区域越稳定,传动质量越高。

图8  经铣齿后面齿轮齿面接触斑痕

Fig.8  Tooth contact scars of milled face-gear

图9  经磨齿后面齿轮齿面接触斑痕

Fig.9  Tooth contact scars of grinded face-gear

4  结论

(1) 点接触的面齿轮传动中,齿面接触为一椭圆区域,在齿高中部接触区域面积达到最大,在齿顶位置处接触区域面积最小。

(2) 点接触的面齿轮传动齿面接触区域的大小和位置与圆柱齿轮的齿数差关系不大,不同齿数的圆柱齿轮啮合斑痕的位置、大小及形状十分相似。

(3) 面齿轮齿面接触区域的大小和形状与齿轮制造精度有关,精度越高,齿面接触区域越稳定,传动质量越高。

(4) 面齿轮传动的传动比对齿面接触区域的位置影响较大,传动比越大,齿面接触区域越靠近面齿轮轮齿的中部,这对提高面齿轮传动的质量是有利的。因此,在采用面齿轮传动的场合,应考虑大的传动比,以避免产生边缘接触。


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(编辑  陈灿华)



通信作者:严宏志(1964-),男,湖南安乡人,博士,教授,博士生导师,从事数字化制造理论与技术研究;电话:0731-88876612;E-mail: yhzcsu@163.com


[1] Litvin F L, Alfonso F, Hawkins J M, et al. Design, generation and tooth contact analysis (TCA) of asymmetric face-gear drive with modified geometry[R]. Cleveland: NASA TM 210614, 2001: 1-15.

[2] Litvin F L, Zhang Y, Wang J C, et al. Design and geometry of face-gear drives[J]. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, 1992, 114(4): 642-647.

[3] 罗太景. 齿轮传动中的齿面接触斑点分析与质量控制[J]. 机械传动, 2009, 33(3): 114-118.

[4] 侯寅, 朱如鹏. 面齿轮的齿面接触特性分析[J]. 机械制造研究, 2009, 38(3): 10-12, 29.

[5] Handschuh R, Lewicki D, Bossler R. Experimental testing of prototype face-gears for helicopter transmissions[R]. Solihull: NASA Technical Memorandum 105434, 1992: 1-10.

[6] Litvin F L, Wang J C, Bossler R B, et al. Application of face-gear drives in helicopter transmissions[R]. Scottsdale: NASA Technical Memorandum 105655, 1991: 1-10.

[7] David G L, Robert F H, Gregory F H, et al. Evaluation of carburized and ground face gears[R]. Montreal: NASA TM209188, 1999: 1-10.

[8] 李政民卿, 朱如鹏. 面齿轮传动的承载接触分析[J]. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2010, 42(2): 219-223.

[9] Kissling U, Beermann S. Face gears: Geometry and strength[J]. Gear Technology, 2007(1): 54-61.

[10] Barone S, Borgianni L, Forte P. Evaluation of the effect of misalignment and profile modification in face gear drive by a finite element meshing simulation[J]. Transactions of ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, 2004, 126: 916-924.

[11] Guingand M, de Vaujany J P, Jacquin C Y. Quasi-static analysis of a face gear under torque[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2005, 194: 4301-4318.

[12] Litvin F L, Gonzalez-Pei L, Fuentes A, et al. Design and investigation of gear drives with non-circular gears applied for speed variation and generation of functions[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2008, 197: 3783-3802.

[13] ZHANG Jinliang, FANG Zongde, CAO Xuemei, et al. The modified pitch cone design of the hypoid gear: manufacture, stress analysis and experimental tests[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2007, 42: 147-158.

[14] Zanzi C, Pedrero T I. Application of modified geometry of face gear drive[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2005, 194: 3047-3066.

[15] Simon V. Computer simulation of tooth contact analysis of mismatched spiral bevel gears[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2007, 42: 365-381.