


(1. 中南大学 化学化工学院,湖南 长沙,410083;2. 湖南城市学院 化学系,湖南 益阳,413000)

摘 要:

质谱(GC-MS)检测,通过直观推导式演进特征投影法(HELP)对二维色谱/质谱数据进行解析,得到各组分的纯色谱曲线和质谱,从而实现对赤芍挥发性成分的定性和定量分析。根据色谱保留时间和质谱,在质谱库中进行相似检索,实现对组分的定性分析,然后用归一化法进行定量分析。研究结果表明:从赤芍挥发性成分中共分辨出57个色谱峰,通过质谱库对分辨的纯组分进行检索,鉴定其中36个成分,占挥发性成分总含量的95.21%;赤芍主要挥发成分为水杨醛、正十六碳酸和(Z, Z)-9,12-十八碳二烯酸。



中图分类号:O657         文献标识码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2007)01-0089-04

Determination of volatile chemical components of

Radix Paeoniae Rubra by GC-MS and HELP method

LI Guo-hui1,2, LAN Zheng-gang1, LI Xiao-ru1

(1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;

2. Department of Chemistry, Hunan City College, Yiyang 413000, China)

Abstract: The volatile chemical components of radix paeoniae rubra (RPR) were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), heuristic evolving latent projections (HELP) method and normalization method. According to retention time of chromatography and mass spectra, similarity searches were conducted in the MS database, and the chemical components of volatile oil in RPR were analyzed qualitatively, and then quantitative calculation was carried out using normalization method. Thirty-six of volatile chemical components of RPR were determined, accounting for 95.21% of total contents of volatile chemical components of RPR. The mail volatile chemical components of RPR are (Z, Z)-9, 12-octadecadienoic acid, n-hexadecanoic acid and 2-hydroxy- benzaldehyde.

Key words: radix paeoniae rubra; volatile components; GC-MS; heuristic evolving latent projections method


赤芍是芍药(Paeonia lactiflora Pall.)或川赤芍(Paeonia veitchii Lynch)的干燥根,具有清热凉血、止血、活血散淤、止痛之功效[1]。一些研究者对赤芍的水溶性化学成分进行了研究[2],但对其挥发性成分的研究较少。中药挥发性成分常采用GC/MS方法分析,由于中药成分非常复杂,其中性质相近的成分保留时间非常接近,从而产生重叠色谱峰,导致其进行定性、定量分析较为困难。直观推导式演进特征投影(HELP)法[3-5]是对二维色谱/光谱矩阵数据进行解析的一种有效方法,已应用于单味药苍术、厚朴和复方平胃散等挥发油分析[6-14]。在此,本文作者提取赤芍的挥发性成分,利用GC-MS进行检测,通过HELP法对二维色谱/质谱数据进行解析,获得各组分的纯色谱曲线和质谱;根据其保留时间和质谱,在质谱库中进行相似检索,对组分进行定性分析,再用归一化法进行定量分析。

1 实验部分

1.1 仪器与药品

仪器为6890/5973N GC-MS气相色谱-质谱仪,赤芍购自四川重庆市药材公司,经湖南中医药研究院鉴定为赤芍的干燥根(Radix paeoniae rubra,RPR)。

1.2 挥发性成分的提取

称取赤芍60 g,置于500 mL圆底烧瓶中,加水420 mL。参照2000年版中国药典[15],用水蒸气蒸馏法蒸馏9 h,得淡黄色透明油状液体。挥发油用无水硫酸钠干燥,置于冰箱保存。

1.3 挥发性成分的测定条件

色谱条件:色谱柱HP-5MS(直径×长为30 m×0.25 mm)。采用以下程序升温:起始温度为70 ℃,以4 ℃/min升至130 ℃,再以10 ℃/min升至250 ℃,维持12 min。载气为He,流速为1.0 mL/min;进口温度为250 ℃,界面温度为280 ℃。质谱条件是:EI源电子能量为70 eV,离子源温度为230 ℃;倍增电压为1.28 kV,原子质量扫描范围为30~500;扫描速率为3.8 次/s,溶剂延迟时间为3 min。

1.4 数据分析

数据分析在Pentium Ⅲ 850(Intel)计算机上进行,程序用Metlab6.1编写,所分辨的质谱在NIST标准质谱库中检索。

2 结果与讨论

2.1 赤芍挥发性成分的定性分析


HELP法的原理和解析步骤见文献[3-5]。此处以A峰为例说明解析过程。A峰处于保留时间16.21~16.39 min之间(图2)。直接用GC/MS所附质谱库检索,前半部分为4-(1-methylethyl)-1-cyclohexene- 1-carboxaldehyde(C10H16O),相似度为60%,中间为p-tert-butyl- phenol(C10H14O),相似度为70%;后半部分为2-Methyladamantane(C11H18),相似度为62%。经HELP解析后(图3)鉴定有3种组分,分别是:

a. tridecanol (C13H28O)(纯质谱图见图4),相似度为97.14%;

b. 4-acetoxy-3-methoxystyrene (C11H12O3) (纯质谱图见图5),相似度为96.22%;

c. 6-methyl-spiro[4.5]decan-6-ol (C11H20O)(纯质谱图见图6),相似度为93.73%。

图1 赤芍挥发性成分总离子流图

Fig.1 TIC curve of volatile chemical components of RPR

图2 A峰在保留时间为16.21~16.39 min的总离子流图

Fig.2 TIC curve of peak cluster A within 16.21-16.39 min



图3 解析后A峰的色谱图

Fig.3 Resolved chromatograms of peak cluster A



(a) 标准质谱;(b) 解析质谱

图4 十三醇的解析质谱与标准质谱

Fig.4 Resolved mass spectrum and the standard

mass spectrum of tridecanol

(a) 标准质谱;(b) 解析质谱

图5 4-乙酰氧基-甲氧基苯乙烯的解析质谱与


Fig.5 Resolved mass spectrum and the standard

mass spectrum of 4-acetoxy-3-methoxystyrene

2.2 赤芍挥发性成分的定量分析

表1 赤芍主要挥发性成分

Table 1 Main volatile chemical components of RPR

(a) 标准质谱;(b) 解析质谱

图6 螺[4.5]-6-甲基-6-葵醇的解析质谱与标准质谱

Fig.6 Resolved mass spectrum and the standard mass

spectrum of 6-methyl-spiro[4.5]decan-6-ol

3 结 论

a. 采用GC-MS分析和HELP法解析,从赤芍挥发性成分中共分辨出57个色谱峰,鉴定了其中36个成分,定性成分含量占总含量的95.21%。

b. 赤芍挥发性成分主要为 水杨醛、正十六碳酸和(Z,Z)-9,12-十八碳二烯酸。


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[9] GONG Fan, LIANG Yi-zeng, XU Qing-song, et al. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and chemometric resolution applied to the determination of essential oils in Cortex Cinnamomi[J]. J Chromatogr A, 2001, 905: 193-205.

[10] GONG Fan, LIANG Yi-zeng, Fung Y S. Analysis of volatile components from Cortex cinnamomi with hyphenated chromatography and chemometric resolution[J]. Biomed Anal, 2004, 34: 1029-1047.

[11] GONG Fan, LIANG Yi-zeng, CUI Hui, et al. Determination of volatile components in peptic powder by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and chemometric resolution[J]. J Chromatogr A, 2001, 909: 237-247.

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[13] GUO Fan-qiu, LIANG Yi-zeng, XU Chen-jian, et al. Determination of the volatile chemical constituents of Notoptergium incium by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry and iterative or non-iterative chemometrics resolution methods[J]. J Chromatogr A, 2003, 1016: 99-110.

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[15] 中华人民共和国卫生部药典委员会. 中华人民共和国药 典[M]. 一部. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2000: 675.

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通讯作者:李国辉,男,副教授;电话:13055095256(手机);E-mail: liguohui888@tom.com

摘要:采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)检测,通过直观推导式演进特征投影法(HELP)对二维色谱/质谱数据进行解析,得到各组分的纯色谱曲线和质谱,从而实现对赤芍挥发性成分的定性和定量分析。根据色谱保留时间和质谱,在质谱库中进行相似检索,实现对组分的定性分析,然后用归一化法进行定量分析。研究结果表明:从赤芍挥发性成分中共分辨出57个色谱峰,通过质谱库对分辨的纯组分进行检索,鉴定其中36个成分,占挥发性成分总含量的95.21%;赤芍主要挥发成分为水杨醛、正十六碳酸和(Z, Z)-9,12-十八碳二烯酸。

[1] 田代华. 实用中药辞典[M]. 北京: 人民卫生出版社, 2002: 850-853.

[2] 郎惠英, 李守珍, 梁晓天. 中药赤芍中化学成分的研究[J]. 药学学报, 1983, 18(7): 551.

[3] Kvalheim O M, LIANG Yi-zeng. Heuristic evolving latent projections-resolving 2-way multicomponent data.1: Selectivity, latent-projective graph, datascope, local rank and unique resoltuion[J]. Anal Chem, 1992, 64(8): 936-946.

[4] LIANG Yi-zeng, Kvalheim O M, Keller H R, et al. Heuristic evolving latent projections-resolving 2-way multicomponent data. 2. Detection and resolution of minor constituents[J]. Anal Chem, 1992, 64(8): 946-953.

[5] LIANG Yi-zeng, Kvalheim O M, Rahmani A, et al. Resolution of strongly overlapping two-way multi- component data by means of heuristic evolving latent projections[J]. J Chemom, 1993, 7: 15-43.

[6] 龚 范, 梁逸曾, 宋又群, 等. 平胃散挥发性成分的研究(Ⅱ)-厚朴挥发油的GC/MS分析[J]. 高等学校化学学报, 2001, 22(9): 1481-1485.

[7] 龚 范, 宋又群, 彭源贵, 等. 平胃散中苍术挥发油的GC/MS分析[J]. 药学学报, 2000, 35(5): 394-396.

[8] GONG Fan, LIANG Yi-zeng, CUI Hui, et al. Determination of volatile components in peptic power by gas chromatography -mass spectrometry and chemometric resolution[J]. J Chromatogr A, 2001, 909: 237-247.

[9] GONG Fan, LIANG Yi-zeng, XU Qing-song, et al. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and chemometric resolution applied to the determination of essential oils in Cortex Cinnamomi[J]. J Chromatogr A, 2001, 905: 193-205.

[10] GONG Fan, LIANG Yi-zeng, Fung Y S. Analysis of volatile components from Cortex cinnamomi with hyphenated chromatography and chemometric resolution[J]. Biomed Anal, 2004, 34: 1029-1047.

[11] GONG Fan, LIANG Yi-zeng, CUI Hui, et al. Determination of volatile components in peptic powder by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and chemometric resolution[J]. J Chromatogr A, 2001, 909: 237-247.

[12] GAN Fan, XU Qing-song, LIANG Yi-zeng. Two novel procedures for automatic resolution of two-way data from coupled chromatography[J]. Analyst, 2001, 126(2): 161-168.

[13] GUO Fan-qiu, LIANG Yi-zeng, XU Chen-jian, et al. Determination of the volatile chemical constituents of Notoptergium incium by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry and iterative or non-iterative chemometrics resolution methods[J]. J Chromatogr A, 2003, 1016: 99-110.

[14] GONG Fan, LIANG Yi-zeng, CHOU Fou-tian. Combination of GC-MS with local resolution for determining volatile components in si-wu decoction[J]. J Sep Sci, 2003, 26: 112-122.

[15] 中华人民共和国卫生部药典委员会. 中华人民共和国药 典[M]. 一部. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2000: 675.