

谢习华,何清华,周  亮

(中南大学 机电工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083)

摘 要:

摘  要:为实现挖掘机的三维空间定位,在安装工作装置各关节角度传感器的基础上,又安装平台回转角度检测装置和平台倾角传感器,并在斗杆上安装激光接收仪用于检测地面激光发射器发射的水平激光相对于接收仪零位的高度。建立挖掘机的运动学模型,推导车体相对于大地的坐标变换矩阵,即完成三维空间的车体定位,并得到常用而简单的车体高程定位公式。然后,推导该定位车体位姿下铲斗坐标系相对于大地的坐标变换矩阵,导出挖掘深度定位公式,实现了挖掘机挖掘轨迹的三维空间定位,为实现挖掘机的三维空间轨迹精确控制与挖掘深度控制打下了基础。



中图分类号:TP24         文献标识码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2007)05-0928-04

Laser height-finding of robotic excavator

XIE Xi-hua, HE Qing-hua, ZHOU Liang

(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)

Abstract: In order to get the carriage position of excavator in three-dimensional space, in addition to of joints angle sensors,the obliquity sensor and the swing angle sensor of the platform were mounted, and a laser receiver was mounted on the boom to measure the relative height of the boom to the laser bean from the ground sender. The carriage positioning model of robotic excavator and the coordinate transformation matrix of carriage positioning were formulated, and the height of the body relative to the ground was gotten. The carriage positioning was finished, the coordinate transformation matrix of the bucket relative to the ground and the digging depth were obtained and it is easy to make the three-dimensional trace control of the hydraulic excavator bucket easy.

Key words: excavator; robot; laser height; positioning



1  坐标系的建立及转换矩阵推导

1.1  车体坐标系


图1   车体坐标系示意图

Fig.1  Sketch map of coordinates of the carriage

1.2  关节坐标系




。                      (1)


表1  各杆件参数表

Table 1  Parameters of links



2  车体定位


。     (2)





。            (4)


其中:a1, a2, aJ , d0, d2, dJ为已知参数,于是,求解得到车体相对于大地的坐标高为:


3  铲斗挖掘深度定位


。    (6)

铲斗齿尖相对大地坐标系的坐标为(px, py, pz),

。    (7)


4  结  论

a. 在工作装置各杆件安装角度传感器,通过安装平台倾角传感器、回转角度检测装置以及在斗杆上安装激光高度检测仪,实现了车体三维空间定位功能。

b. 根据Denavit-Hartenberg方法建立了挖掘机各关节运动学坐标,并推导出车体坐标相对地面坐标的坐标变换矩阵,从而完成车体定位,然后,推导了挖掘作业中的车体高程定位公式。

c. 获得车体定位坐标变换矩阵后,推导了铲斗坐标系相对大地的坐标变换矩阵,实现了包括回转在内的挖掘机工作装置三维空间挖掘轨迹定位,并导出了挖掘深度定位公式。

d. 三维空间的车体定位有助于实现水平面、斜坡面挖掘以及三维空间轨迹的精确控制。


[1] 张海涛, 何清华, 陈欠根. 遥控挖掘机器人轨迹跟踪的电液比例控制系统[J]. 液压与气动, 2004(7): 11-13.
ZHANG Hai-tao, HE Qing-hua, CHEN Qian-gen. The electrohydraulic proportional control system for robotic excavator[J]. Chinese Hydraulics & Pneumatics, 2004(7): 11-13.

[2] Muramatsu T, Kenji C. A concept of control system for construction robot[C]//Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Tsukuba, 1989.

[3] Ha Q, Santos M, Nguyen Q, et al. Robotic excavation in construction automation[J]. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2002(3): 20-28.

[4] Seward D, Bradley D, Mann J, et al. Controlling an intelligent excavator for autonomous digging in difficult ground[C]// Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction. Tokyo, 1992.

[5] Singh S, Simmons R. Task planning for robotic excavation[C]// Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Raleigh, 1992.

[6] Bradley D A, Seward D W. The development, control and operation of an autonomous robotic excavator[J]. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 1998, 21: 73-75.

[7] Stentz A, Bares J, Singh S, et al. A robotic excavator for autonomous truck loading[C]//Proceedings International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Victoria, 1998.

[8] Cannon H. Extended earthmoving with an autonomous excavator[D]. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University, 1999.

[9] Ha Q P, Nguyen Q H, Rye D C, et al. Impedance control of a hydraulically-actuated robotic excavator[J]. Automat Construction, 2000, 9(5): 421-435.

[10] Nguyen H Q. Robust low level control of robotic excavation[D]. Sydney: Australian Centre for Field Robotics, University of Sydney, 2000.

[11] Terwelp C R. Remote control of hydraulic equipment for unexploded ordnance remediation[D]. Blacksburg: Department of Mechanical, Science and Engineering, Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2003.

[12] 何清华, 张大庆, 郝 鹏, 等. 液压挖掘机工作装置模型及控制的试验研究[J]. 中南大学学报: 自然科学版, 2006, 37(3): 542-546.
HE Qing-hua, ZHANG Da-qing, HAO Peng, et al. Model and experimental research on control of hydraulic excavator’s manipulator[J]. Journal of Central South University: Science and Technology, 2006, 37(3): 542-546.

[13] HE Qing-hua, ZHANG Da-qing, HAO Peng, et al. Modeling and control of hydraulic excavator’s arm[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2006, 13(4): 422-427.

[14] 李兰生, 边仁国, 邹占江. 液压挖掘机工作装置运动学分析及轨迹规划[J]. 矿山机械, 1998(2): 23-25.
LI Lan-sheng, BIAN Ren-guo, ZOU Zhan-jiang. Kinematics analysis and trace scheme of the working device in a hydraulic excavator[J]. Mining & Processing Equipment, 1998(2): 23-25.

[15] 张大庆, 何清华, 郝 鹏, 等. 液压挖掘机铲斗的轨迹跟踪控制[J]. 吉林大学学报: 工学版, 2005, 35(5): 490-494.
ZHANG Da-qing, HE Qing-hua, HAO Peng, et al. Trajectory tracking control of hydraulic excavator bucket[J]. Journal of Jilin University: Engineering and Technology Edition, 2005, 35(5): 490-494.

[16] 陈欠根, 吴晓健, 赵 娟. 液压挖掘机工作装置姿态检测[J]. 工矿自动化, 2005(5): 14-16.
CHEN Qian-gen, WU Xiao-jian, ZHAO Juan. The gesture measuring of working unit of hydraulic excavator[J]. Industry and Mine Automation, 2005(5): 14-16.

[17] 张海涛, 何清华, 张新海, 等. 机器人液压挖掘机运动系统的建模与控制[J]. 机器人, 2005, 27(2): 113-117.
ZHANG Hai-tao, HE Qing-hua, ZHANG Xin-hai, et al. Modeling and control of the motion system of a hydraulic robotic excavator[J]. Robot, 2005, 27(2): 113-117.

[18] Paul R P. Robot manipulators: Mathematics, programming, and control[M]. Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1981.





通信作者:谢习华,男,博士研究生,讲师;电话:0731-4020687;E-mail: xxh_zh@mail.csu.edu.cn

[1] 张海涛, 何清华, 陈欠根. 遥控挖掘机器人轨迹跟踪的电液比例控制系统[J]. 液压与气动, 2004(7): 11-13.ZHANG Hai-tao, HE Qing-hua, CHEN Qian-gen. The electrohydraulic proportional control system for robotic excavator[J]. Chinese Hydraulics & Pneumatics, 2004(7): 11-13.

[2] Muramatsu T, Kenji C. A concept of control system for construction robot[C]//Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Tsukuba, 1989.

[3] Ha Q, Santos M, Nguyen Q, et al. Robotic excavation in construction automation[J]. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2002(3): 20-28.

[4] Seward D, Bradley D, Mann J, et al. Controlling an intelligent excavator for autonomous digging in difficult ground[C]// Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction. Tokyo, 1992.

[5] Singh S, Simmons R. Task planning for robotic excavation[C]// Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Raleigh, 1992.

[6] Bradley D A, Seward D W. The development, control and operation of an autonomous robotic excavator[J]. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 1998, 21: 73-75.

[7] Stentz A, Bares J, Singh S, et al. A robotic excavator for autonomous truck loading[C]//Proceedings International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Victoria, 1998.

[8] Cannon H. Extended earthmoving with an autonomous excavator[D]. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University, 1999.

[9] Ha Q P, Nguyen Q H, Rye D C, et al. Impedance control of a hydraulically-actuated robotic excavator[J]. Automat Construction, 2000, 9(5): 421-435.

[10] Nguyen H Q. Robust low level control of robotic excavation[D]. Sydney: Australian Centre for Field Robotics, University of Sydney, 2000.

[11] Terwelp C R. Remote control of hydraulic equipment for unexploded ordnance remediation[D]. Blacksburg: Department of Mechanical, Science and Engineering, Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2003.

[12] 何清华, 张大庆, 郝 鹏, 等. 液压挖掘机工作装置模型及控制的试验研究[J]. 中南大学学报: 自然科学版, 2006, 37(3): 542-546.HE Qing-hua, ZHANG Da-qing, HAO Peng, et al. Model and experimental research on control of hydraulic excavator’s manipulator[J]. Journal of Central South University: Science and Technology, 2006, 37(3): 542-546.

[13] HE Qing-hua, ZHANG Da-qing, HAO Peng, et al. Modeling and control of hydraulic excavator’s arm[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2006, 13(4): 422-427.

[14] 李兰生, 边仁国, 邹占江. 液压挖掘机工作装置运动学分析及轨迹规划[J]. 矿山机械, 1998(2): 23-25.LI Lan-sheng, BIAN Ren-guo, ZOU Zhan-jiang. Kinematics analysis and trace scheme of the working device in a hydraulic excavator[J]. Mining & Processing Equipment, 1998(2): 23-25.

[15] 张大庆, 何清华, 郝 鹏, 等. 液压挖掘机铲斗的轨迹跟踪控制[J]. 吉林大学学报: 工学版, 2005, 35(5): 490-494.ZHANG Da-qing, HE Qing-hua, HAO Peng, et al. Trajectory tracking control of hydraulic excavator bucket[J]. Journal of Jilin University: Engineering and Technology Edition, 2005, 35(5): 490-494.

[16] 陈欠根, 吴晓健, 赵 娟. 液压挖掘机工作装置姿态检测[J]. 工矿自动化, 2005(5): 14-16.CHEN Qian-gen, WU Xiao-jian, ZHAO Juan. The gesture measuring of working unit of hydraulic excavator[J]. Industry and Mine Automation, 2005(5): 14-16.

[17] 张海涛, 何清华, 张新海, 等. 机器人液压挖掘机运动系统的建模与控制[J]. 机器人, 2005, 27(2): 113-117.ZHANG Hai-tao, HE Qing-hua, ZHANG Xin-hai, et al. Modeling and control of the motion system of a hydraulic robotic excavator[J]. Robot, 2005, 27(2): 113-117.

[18] Paul R P. Robot manipulators: Mathematics, programming, and control[M]. Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1981.