


(江南大学 轻工过程先进控制教育部重点实验室 系统工程研究所,江苏 无锡,214122)

摘 要:




中图分类号:TP275          文献标志码:A         文章编号:1672-7207(2011)S1-0333-06

Estimator design of networked control systems with multi-quantized output feedback

LIU Jun, XIE Lin-bo, HUANG Fang

(Institute of System Engineering, Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry of Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)

Abstract: The estimator design of discrete-time networked control systems with multi-quantized output feedback is concerned. First, the system model and the estimate model of multi-quantized network control system with two quantizers are given, respectively. Then the asymptotic invariance of the covariance matrix about the estimation error system is studied, and some corresponding conclusions are obtained. The estimator error is made minimum by the designed state estimator. At last, a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the estimator.

Key words: quantized output feedback; networked control systems; estimator



1  问题的提出




噪声,其方差分别为,并且对任何,它们与x0都是线性无关的。x0的初始值有界且状态不能直接得到。A,B1,B2和C是相应维数的矩阵;(A, B1)可控且(C, A)可观。


图1  系统结构图

Fig.1  System chart

图2  量化器示意图

Fig.2  Schematic diagram of quantizers



其中:为x(k)的估计值;为基于的估计值;为估计增益使得A-LC稳定。控制律取为, 使得A+B1K稳定。











其中: 为量化器Q1的量化误差; 为量化器Q2的量化误差。

2  收敛性分析



针对系统(2)由量化误差的定义 可将其改写为如下形式:






图3 量化器输入输出特性

Fig.3  Input-output features of quantizer

引理 1 估计误差e(k),预测误差ε(k)以及量化误差d(k)它们的均值都为0。

引理2 如果动态估计误差系统(7)是二次稳定的,那么其系统(8)也是二次稳定的,并且存在一个矩阵,使得 成立,对任何不为0的都存在1个矩阵,使得:


定理1 如果系统(8)二次稳定,那么关于e(k)的协方差矩阵是有界的。

证明:假设引理2成立且存在如下形式,其中是一个确定的常数,那么,可设Lyapunov 方程为如下形式,令,则:





(1) 量化误差d(k)和d2(k)与估计误差e(k)线性无关。

(2) 预测误差ε(k)是零均值的高斯噪声其方差为σε




定义e(k)的渐近协方差矩阵,在定理1 中已经给出E(k)有上界的。下面将给出关于e(k)的渐近协方差的计算。利用给出的2个条件和的近似计算公式,可以对E(k)进行近似估计:



定理2 如果系统(2)是二次稳定的,那么存在,并且是有界的.

证明:由文献[17]可知:存在1个矩阵 使得 成立,


可将表示为 。其中α为调节参数,并且存在一个足够大的α>0使得成立。这里,




3  估计器增益L的设计


定理3: 当时,那么将取最小值,此时也是最小值。





4  仿真






图 4  状态信号

Fig.4  State signal

图5  观测器信号

Fig.5  Observer signal

图6 观测误差信号

Fig.6  Observation error signal

5  结论

在网络控制系统的应用越来越广泛的现代,对网络监控的要求也越来越高,这就对状态估计器的准确性提出了更高的要求。本文针对基于输出反馈的多级量化网络控制系统进行了状态估计器的设计。首先,针对多级量化网络控制系统的估计误差的收敛特性进行了分析和研究,得到了估计误差的协方差的上界。接着,利用前文中的相关结论对系统的估计器进行了设计,主要思想是在系统稳定的前提下使得系统的状态估计误差为最小值。仿真实例表明:所设计的估计器能够有效地减小各种噪声以及量化误差带来的   影响。


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[5] Wong W, Brockett R. Systems with finite communication bandwidth constraints Ⅱ: Stabilization with limited information feedback[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1999, 44(5), 1049-1053.

[6] Elia N, Mitter S. Stabilization of linear systems with limited information[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2001, 46(9): 1384-1400.

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[8] Tatikonda S, Sahai A. Mitter S. Stochastic linear control over a communication channel[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2004, 49(9): 1549-1561.

[9] Fu M, de Souza C. State estimation for linear discrete-time systems using quantized measurements[J]. Automatica, 2009, 45(12): 2937-2945.

[10] Hayakawa T, Ishii H, Tsumura K. Adaptive quantized control for linear uncertain discrete time systems[J]. Automatica, 2009, 45(3): 692-700.

[11] Vu L, Liberzon D. Stabilizing uncertain systems with dynamic quantization[C]//Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Cancun, Mexico, 2008: 4681-4686.

[12] Zhai G, Matsumoto Y, Chen X, et al. Hybrid stabilization of linear time-invariant systems with two quantizers[C]//Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control. Taipei, 2004: 305-309.

[13] Carli R, Fagnani F, Frasca P, et al. A probabilistic analysis of the average consensus algorithm with quantized communication[C]//Proceeding of 17th IFAC World Congress. Seoul, Korea, 2008: 8062-8067.

[14] Fu M, Xie L. The sector bound approach to quantized feedback control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2005, 50(11): 1698-1711.

[15] Zhou B, Duan G, Lam J. On the absolute stability approach to quantized feedback control[J]. Automatica, 2010, 46(2): 337-346.

[16] Gao H, Chen T. A new approach to quantized feedback control systems[J]. Automatica, 2008, 44(2): 534-542.

[17] de Souza C E, Xie L. On the discrete-time bounded real lemma with application in the characterization of static state feedback H controller[J]. Systems & Control Letters, 1992, 18: 61-71.

(编辑 杨幼平)



通信作者:刘鋆 (1987-),男,安徽池州人,硕士研究生,从事量化反馈控制等方面的研究;电话:15261579825;E-mail: evengold_lau@163.com


[1] Fu M, Xie L. Finite-level quantized feedback control for linear systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2009, 54(5): 1165-1170.

[2] Liberzon D. Hybrid feedback stabilization of systems with quantized signals[J]. Automatica, 2003, 39(9): 1543-1554.

[3] Brockett R, Liberzon D. Quantized feedback stabilization of linear systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2000, 45(7): 1279-1289.

[4] Walsh G, Beldiman O, Bushnell L. Asymptotic behavior of nonlinear networked control systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2003, 48(9): 1526-1544.

[5] Wong W, Brockett R. Systems with finite communication bandwidth constraints Ⅱ: Stabilization with limited information feedback[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1999, 44(5), 1049-1053.

[6] Elia N, Mitter S. Stabilization of linear systems with limited information[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2001, 46(9): 1384-1400.

[7] Tatikonda S, Mitter S. Control under communication constraints[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2004, 49(7): 1056-1068.

[8] Tatikonda S, Sahai A. Mitter S. Stochastic linear control over a communication channel[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2004, 49(9): 1549-1561.

[9] Fu M, de Souza C. State estimation for linear discrete-time systems using quantized measurements[J]. Automatica, 2009, 45(12): 2937-2945.

[10] Hayakawa T, Ishii H, Tsumura K. Adaptive quantized control for linear uncertain discrete time systems[J]. Automatica, 2009, 45(3): 692-700.

[11] Vu L, Liberzon D. Stabilizing uncertain systems with dynamic quantization[C]//Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Cancun, Mexico, 2008: 4681-4686.

[12] Zhai G, Matsumoto Y, Chen X, et al. Hybrid stabilization of linear time-invariant systems with two quantizers[C]//Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control. Taipei, 2004: 305-309.

[13] Carli R, Fagnani F, Frasca P, et al. A probabilistic analysis of the average consensus algorithm with quantized communication[C]//Proceeding of 17th IFAC World Congress. Seoul, Korea, 2008: 8062-8067.

[14] Fu M, Xie L. The sector bound approach to quantized feedback control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2005, 50(11): 1698-1711.

[15] Zhou B, Duan G, Lam J. On the absolute stability approach to quantized feedback control[J]. Automatica, 2010, 46(2): 337-346.

[16] Gao H, Chen T. A new approach to quantized feedback control systems[J]. Automatica, 2008, 44(2): 534-542.

[17] de Souza C E, Xie L. On the discrete-time bounded real lemma with application in the characterization of static state feedback H∞ controller[J]. Systems & Control Letters, 1992, 18: 61-71.