


宋佳慧1,刘  喆1, 2,崔秀芳2,金  国1,王海斗2,徐滨士2

(1. 哈尔滨工程大学 材料科学与化学工程学院表/界面科学与技术研究所,哈尔滨 150001;

2. 装甲兵工程学院,装备再制造技术国防科技重点实验室,北京 100072)

摘 要:




中图分类号:TG178       文献标志码:A



1  局部损伤

目前,航空工业中使用的镁合金的表面防护多采用化学氧化的方法,这种表面膜薄而软,在使用过程很容易被划伤、擦伤或磨损,从而导致表面局部损坏或因此而造成不得不报废和更换[6-8]。赋予膜层以损伤自修复性能,促使其在受到机械损伤后能够产生一层新的薄膜以继续对基体产生防护作用是解决上述问题最为有效的方法。自修复现在属于发展快速的新方向,当转化膜内层或外层受到损害时,不需要任何外界因素膜层会在损坏环境中自修复。最简单的提供抑制剂的方法有两种:1) 直接在基体表面加入抑制剂;2) 缓蚀剂加入胶囊中加到基体中。目前具有自修复功能的化学转化膜的自修复机理主要分为离子变价修复、离子迁移修复以及添加剂缓释修复3种[9-11]

1.1  金属离子变价修复

1.1.1  铬离子




1.1.2  钒离子


1.2  离子迁移自修复

铈转化膜在被破坏的情况下,Ce3+会迁移到被破坏的区域,形成一种新的Ce2O3氧化膜,使转化膜具有自修复性能[21-22]。YOGANANDAN等[23]研究了ZrCC和ZrCeCC模拟划痕测试在NaCl溶液336 h后,空白样和转化膜在光学显微镜下的形貌如图1所   示[23]。观察图1(a)和(b)可知,两个样品都出现一些点蚀坑。表明空白样和ZrCC样品在Cl-腐蚀环境下都会发生点蚀。对比图1(c)和(d),ZrCeCC表面在NaCl溶液中并没有发生点蚀。说明ZrCeCC为镁合金基体提供了长期的耐蚀性。经分析图1(c)黑斑处Ce的含量为0.05%~0.15%,但表面XPS分析Ce含量在0.7%左右,说明了有铈离子的迁移或黑斑处生成了新的产物,导致Ce含量相对减少。通过紫外分析进一步确定黑斑处减少铈离子的作用,铈离子为可溶性并未形成新的产物,说明铈离子发生迁移。也正是由于Ce离子的迁移使得转化膜具有长期的耐蚀性,图2所示的塔菲尔曲线说明了含铈转化膜的自腐蚀电位升高,耐蚀性增强。同时文献[24-26]用紫外吸光度技术分析得出,可溶性的Ce是铈转化膜具有自修复性能的关键。

图1  在NaCl溶液中336 h后空白水平和转化膜的微观形貌[23]

Fig. 1  Microstructures of samples after 336 h in NaCl solution[23]

1.3  添加剂缓释修复


图2  3.5%NaCl溶液中空白样和转化膜的塔菲尔曲线[23]

Fig. 2  Tafel curves in 3.5% NaCl solution[23]

图3  微囊体装载缓蚀剂的自修复示意图[28]

Fig. 3  Self-healing schematic diagrams of micro capsule loaded corrosion inhibitor[28]


图4  聚电解质防腐涂层自修复示意图[28]

Fig. 4  Self-healing schematic diagrams of polyelectrolyte anticorrosive coating[28]

2  控制失水收缩减小开裂


2.1  后处理抑制脱水


图5  铈转化膜电化学测试曲线[31]

Fig. 5  Electrochemical test curves of cerium conversion coating[31]



2.2  无水溶剂抑制析氢




图6  铈转化膜微观结构[37]

Fig. 6  Microstructures of cerium conversion coating[37]



2.3  附加磁场抑制氢气附着



图7  无水转化膜微观结构[40]

Fig. 7  Microstructures of no water conversion coatings[40]

图8  转化膜的二维微观形貌[46]

Fig. 8  Microstructures of conversion coatings[46]

2.4  热处理致密化

文献[47-49]研究得出了镁合金表面植酸转化膜在150~400 ℃热处理后,表面裂纹出现愈合的现象。如图9电化学测试可知,随着热处理温度的升高,转化膜表面的裂纹逐步愈合,这使得镁合金表面转化膜的耐蚀性进一步增强。在热处理过程中,转化膜的组成由非晶态的镁和植酸盐转换成晶态的Mg2P2O7。与此同时,复杂的大分子变成了小的有机结构,并伴随着体积的增加,导致表面裂缝自愈[50-51]

图9  不同热处理温度下的极化曲线[47]

Fig. 9  Polarization curves under different heat treatment temperatures[47]

3  控制析氢提高结合力



4  结果与展望


1) 在成膜过程中引入外场作用,例如(电场、磁场、应力场、热力场)提高转化膜的成膜效率和成膜质量,促使主要成膜离子在成膜过程中能够有效地向基体沉积,改善基体和转化膜的界面结合强度。

2) 制备多层复合转化膜,对于不同的功能区域制备针对性的转化膜。界面结合处可采用热处理或者是附加外场以提高基体和转化膜间的结合力。转化膜中层,则采用复合添加缓释剂、纳米分散颗粒等物质以提高转化膜的耐蚀性能。而对于转化膜的外层则可正对性的制备具有一定耐磨性能的转化膜。从而能够从整体上提高转化膜的性能。


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Research progress of process optimization based on film-forming mechanisms of conversion coatings

SONG Jia-hui1, LIU Zhe1, 2, CUI Xiu-fang2, JIN Guo1, WANG Hai-dou2, XU Bin-shi2

(1. Institute of Surface/Interface Science and Technology, School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering,

Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China;

2. National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing, Academy of Armored Forces Engineering, Beijing 100072, China)

Abstract: In the formation process of the conversion film on the surface of magnesium/aluminum alloy, severe hydrogen evolution reaction and water shrinkage at the end of the film formation, which leads to several disadvantages in the conversion coating such as loose structure, poor continuity and low adhesive force. From the perspective of conversion coating film formation mechanism, combining with three kinds of failure phenomenon (partial damage, conversion coating cracking and loose structure), these three failure mechanisms were reviewed. And the progresses of formation process optimization of conversion coating film including self-healing, densification of conversion coating and enhancement of interface binding force were presented briefly. The development trend of conversion coating was also discussed.

Key words: film formation mechanism; damage self-healing; densification; interface bonding force

Foundation item: Projects (51375106, 51275105) supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project (2015M571390) supported by Postdoctoral Science Foundation, China; Project (LBH-Z14050) supported by the Heilongjiang Postdoctoral Science Foundation, China

Received date: 2015-05-19; Accepted date: 2015-09-13

Corresponding author: CUI Xiu-fang; Tel: +86-451-82589660; E-mail:

(编辑  王  超)




摘  要:镁/铝合金表面转化膜在成膜过程中由于存在剧烈的析氢反应以及成膜结束后的失水收缩现象,导致该种转化膜存在结构疏松、连续性差、结合力低等缺点。从转化膜成膜机制角度出发结合3种主要的失效现象(局部损伤、失水收缩致开裂以及结构疏松导致的脱落),对其失效机理进行详细阐述。同时基于这3种失效机理,简明扼要地介绍目前针对这3个方面所采取的损伤修复、转化膜致密化以及界面结合力增强方面转化膜成膜工艺优化的研究进展,并对转化膜后续发展进行展望。

[1] 金和喜, 王日初, 彭超群, 冯  艳, 石  凯, 陈  彬. 镁合金表面化学转化膜研究进展[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2011, 21(9): 2049-2059.

JIN He-xi, WANG Ri-chu, PENG Chao-qun, FENG Yan, CHEN Bin. Progress in research of rare earth conversion coatings on magnesium alloys[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2011, 21(9): 2049-2059.

[2] 曾荣昌, 孔令鸿, 陈  君, 崔洪芝, 刘成龙. 医用镁合金表面改性研究进展[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2011, 21(1): 35-43.

ZENG Rong-chang, KONG Ling-hong, CHEN Jun, CUI Hong-zhi, LIU Cheng-long. Research progress on surface modification of magnesium alloys for medical applications[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2011, 21(1): 35-43.

[3] 曾荣昌, 兰自栋, 陈  君, 莫鲜花, 韩恩厚. 镁合金表面化学转化膜的研究进展[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2009, 19(3): 397-404.

ZENG Rong-chang, LAN Zi-dong, CHEN Jun, MO Xian-hua, HAN En-hou. Degradation process of fluorine conversion coating on magnesium alloy by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2009, 19(3): 397-404.

[4] CHEN X B, BIRBILIS N, ABBOTT T B. Review of corrosion-resistant conversion coatings for magnesium and its alloys[J]. Corrosion, 2011, 67(3): 035005-1-035005-16.

[5] TOMOZAWA M, HIROMOTO S. Microstructure of hydroxyapatite and octacalcium phosphate-coatings formed on magnesium by a hydrothermal treatment at various pH values[J]. Acta Materialia, 2011, 59(1): 355-363.

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