



(中南大学 粉末冶金国家重点实验室,长沙 410083)

摘 要:

利用冷压—烧结技术制备BaO掺杂的10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷, 研究BaO 掺杂量及烧结温度对10NiO- NiFe2O4复合陶瓷物相组成、显微结构及致密度的影响。结果表明: 当BaO 掺杂量(质量分数)为0~4%时, 烧结样品中主要含NiO 和NiFe2O4,BaO与10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷组分反应并形成瞬时液相BaFe2O4和Ba2Fe2O5,且Ba2+ 固溶到基体中,促进致密化烧结,降低了烧结致密化温度;1 250 ℃烧结时,1% BaO 掺杂样品的相对密度最     大,达到98.90% ,比未掺杂样品的相对密度提高6.27%;但当BaO掺杂量为2%和4%时,陶瓷样品相对密度基本不变。



中图分类号:TF 821       文献标识码:A

Effect of BaO doping on densification of

10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics

HE Han-bing, HUANG Bai-yun, LI Zhi-you, ZHOU Ke-chao

(State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)

Abstract: The BaO doped 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics were prepared with the cold isostatic pressing-sintering process, the effects of BaO contents and sintering temperatures on the phase composition, microstructure and density of 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics were studied. The results show that the samples are mainly consisted of NiO and NiFe2O4 when content of BaO is in the range of 0-4%, BaO reacts with the component of 10NiO-NiFe2O4 ceramics and forms low melting point phase BaFe2O4 and Ba2Fe2O5, and Ba2+ dissolves into the ceramic base, which is important to accelerate the sintering densification and reduce densification temperature. When sintered at 1 250 ℃, the samples doped with 1% BaO have the maximum relative density 98.90%, which increases 6.27% compared with that of the undoped samples. However, when the BaO content is 2% and 4%, the relative density of 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics sample basically has no change.

Key words: 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics; BaO doping; inert anode; aluminum electrolysis; densification


目前,炭阳极铝电解存在电能消耗高(13 200~  15 000 kW·h/t)、优质碳消耗大(500~600 kg/t)、环境污染严重、成本高、生产不稳定等问题[1-4],而采用惰性阳极具有节能减排的作用。NiFe2O4 基金属陶瓷兼有陶瓷(抗腐蚀和氧化)和金属(良好的导电性和抗热震性)的优点,被认为是最有潜力的惰性阳极材料之一。但该材料烧结致密化温度过高,添加烧结助剂能够基本解决低温烧结致密化问题。

席锦会等[5-7]对NiFe2O4基陶瓷掺杂TiO2,MnO2和V2O5,经研究发现:当TiO2掺杂量为1%时,其空隙率最低达到3.6%;掺杂MnO2试样的密度比纯铁酸镍陶瓷的密度有很大提高,气孔率大大减小,当掺杂量为1.5%时,其气孔率达到最小值20.73%;对NiFe2O4基陶瓷掺杂V2O5,样品的密度和体积收缩率随着添加剂V2O5含量的增加而增加,其最大值分别出现在掺杂量为1%和1.5%处。MEER等[8]的研究表明,CaO 添加有利于Mg-Zn铁氧体的烧结致密化。赖延清等[9]的研究表明,添加CaO能显著提高10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷的致密度,在1 200 ℃烧结时,添加2% CaO样品的相对密度最大,达到98.75%。OLIVEIRA等[10-11]的研究表明,掺杂体积分数5%的BaO或CaO能得到高致密度和良好力学性能的铝矽酸盐陶瓷,他们认为这是形成了足够多的液相所致,但随着BaO含量的增加,空隙率增大,力学性能也变差。


1  实验

1.1  试样制备

按质量分数为38.68%和61.32%分别称取Fe2O3粉末(分析纯)和NiO粉末(分析纯),经球磨混合均匀并干燥后,装入刚玉坩锅置于电阻炉中在空气气氛下于1 200 ℃煅烧6 h,得到10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷粉体,其粉末的XRD谱如图1所示。分别加入0,0.5%,1.0%,2.0%和4.0%(质量分数)的BaO粉末(分析纯)于预先制备的10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷粉体中。加入分散剂和粘结剂于不锈钢球磨罐中二次球磨150 min,混合粉末干燥后在200 MPa 压力下双向压制成型为d 20 mm×40 mm的生坯,坯体在含有一定氧分压的N2气氛中,按一定升温制度在1 150~1 250 ℃烧结4 h,得到最终烧结样品。

图1  10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷XRD谱

Fig. 1  XRD patterns of 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics

1.2  性能检测

采用日本理学Rigaku3014 型X射线衍射仪对所合成的10NiO-NiFe2O4粉末以及所制备的复合陶瓷试样进行物相分析。采用JSM25600LV型扫描电镜仪对复合陶瓷试样进行显微组织和微观形貌分析。采用石蜡法(ASTM C373288 (1999) 测定复合陶瓷的相对密度和孔隙率。

2  结果与讨论

2.1  BaO掺杂10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷的物相组成

在1 200和1 250 ℃下掺杂4%BaO(质量分数) 10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷的XRD谱分别如图2和3所示。从图2和图3可以看出,在氮气气氛下烧结的陶瓷样品主要含NiO 和NiFe2O4 两相,陶瓷基体相结晶完好,BaO的加入没有明显改变NiFe2O4或NiO的物相组成。

图2  1 200 ℃掺杂4% BaO的10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷的XRD谱

Fig.2  XRD patterns of 4% BaO-doped 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics at 1 200 ℃

图 3  1 250 ℃掺杂4%BaO的XRD谱

Fig.3  XRD patterns of BaO-doped 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics at 1 250 ℃

2.2  BaO掺杂量和烧结温度对10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷相对密度的影响

在1 150~1 250 ℃时烧结得到不同BaO掺杂量的10NiO-NiFe2O4 复合陶瓷材料的相对密度如表1和图4所示。从表1和图4可以看出,烧结所得BaO掺杂样品与相同烧结温度下的未掺杂样品比较,其相对密度均得到明显提高;如BaO含量为1%时,在1 150,1 200和1 250 ℃温度下,相对密度分别达到91.49%,98.24%和98.90%,比未掺杂样品分别提高12.13%,5.62%和6.27%。但继续提高BaO含量对致密度影响不大。

表1  不同温度烧结所得BaO掺杂10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷的相对密度

Table 1  Relative density of BaO doped 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics sintered at different temperatures

图4  不同温度烧结所得BaO 掺杂10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷相对密度随BaO掺杂量的变化曲线

Fig.4  Changing curves of relative density with BaO content of BaO-doped 10NiO-NiFe2O4 ceramics sintered at different temperatures

在10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷中,由于各组分氧化物的熔点均高于烧结温度,其烧结过程应属于固相烧   结。固相烧结过程中物质传输本身较慢,而10NiO- NiFe2O4陶瓷以扩散传质为主,晶体中的空位及缺陷为传质和烧结的动力源[12-13]。在较低烧结温度下,如   1 200和1 250 ℃时,仅靠体相扩散或晶界扩散不能提供强大的烧结驱动力,导致致密化速率较慢,致密化程度不高,相对密度较低。


反应(1)和(2)的产物BaFe2O4和Ba2Fe2O5熔点都低于1 150 ℃,因此,在所选定的烧结温度下,由于新相BaFe2O4和Ba2Fe2O5的形成并产生瞬时液相,使烧结过程出现液相烧结的特征。而产生的少量易流动的BaFe2O4和Ba2Fe2O5液相作为烧结过程传质的载体相,发生粘性流动,加速了物质迁移,促进烧结颈及晶界的产生,使致密化速率加快。



图5   陶瓷与氧化钡界面层的XRD谱

Fig.5  XRD patterns of interface of BaO and 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics

图6  10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷与纯氧化钡界面SEM像及界面Ba元素线扫描曲线

Fig.6  SEM image and line scanning curves of Ba on interface of 10NiO-NiFe2O4 and BaO

加入的BaO除产生液相外,还分布在10NiO- NiFe2O4陶瓷晶界处,如图7所示。对分布在10NiO- NiFe2O4陶瓷晶界处的白色物质经过能谱分析,发现该物质可能是固溶了少量陶瓷基体的BaO,该BaO能防止陶瓷晶粒在长大过程中由于烧结颈的形成而产生大量的孔隙(如图8所示),其孔隙数量大大减少,达到了提高陶瓷致密度的目的。


图7  掺杂BaO(2%)的10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷SEM像及相应微区元素EDS分析结果

Fig.7 SEM image(a) of BaO doped 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics and corresponding element EDS analysis results(b)

图8  1 200 ℃烧结陶瓷的SEM像

Fig.8 SEM images of composite ceramics sintered at 1 200 ℃: (a) Undoped ceramic; (b) 2% BaO-doped ceramic

3  结论

1) 掺杂少量BaO未对10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷的物相组成产生显著影响,烧结后经X射线衍射分析发现,样品主要由NiO 和NiFe2O4两相组成。BaO在烧结过程中与陶瓷组分反应生成低熔点瞬时液相BaFe2O4和Ba2Fe2O5,且Ba2+固溶到基体中降低烧结致密化温度,提高陶瓷烧结致密度。

2) BaO掺杂对10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷具有明显的助烧作用。当BaO掺杂量为1%时,其助烧效果最好,在1 250 ℃烧结可使10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷相对密度达到98.90%,较相同温度烧结出的未掺杂BaO的10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷相对密度提高6.27%。

3) 在BaO掺杂10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷材料中,Ba元素分布均匀,部分固熔于10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷晶界处,减少10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷的孔隙数量,提高陶瓷材料烧结致密度。


[1] PAWLEK R P. Inert anodes: an update[C]//Wolfgang Schneider Light Metals 2002. Warreudale PA, USA: TMS, 2002: 449-456.

[2] LI Jie, LAI Yan-qing, ZHOU Ke-chao, LI Zhi-you, LIU Ye-xiang. Preparation and preliminary testing of cermet inert anode for aluminum electrolysis[J]. Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China, 2003, 13(3): 663-670.

[3] KENIRY J. The economics of inert anodes and wettable cathodes for aluminum reduction cells[J]. JOM, 2001, 53(5): 43-47.

[4] SADOWAY D R. Inert anodes for the Hall-Héroult cell: The ultimate materials challenge[J]. JOM, 2001, 53(5) : 34-35.

[5] 席锦会, 姚广春, 刘宜汉, 谢英杰. 添加TiO2对镍铁尖晶石惰性阳极材料性能的影响[J]. 功能材料, 2006, 37(8): 1242-1245.
XI Jin-hui, YAO Guang-chun, LIU Yi-han, XIE Ying-jie. Study on properties of inert anode of NiFe2O4 spinel with TiO2[J]. Journal of Functional Materials, 2006, 37(8): 1242-1245.

[6] 席锦会, 姚广春, 刘宜汉, 张晓明. 掺杂MnO2对铁酸镍陶瓷惰性阳极性能的影响[J]. 过程工程学报, 2006, 6(3): 495-498.
XI Jin-hui, YAO Guang-chun, LIU Yi-han, ZHANG Xiao-ming. Effect of MnO2 doping on properties of nickel ferrite as inert anode[J]. The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering, 2006, 6(3): 495-498.

[7] 席锦会, 姚广春, 刘宜汉, 张晓明. V2O5对镍铁尖晶石烧结机理及性能的影响[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2005, 33(6): 683-687.
XI Jin-hui, YAO Guang-chun, LIU Yi-han, ZHANG Xiao-ming. Effects of additive V2O5 on sintering mechanism and properties of nickel ferrite[J]. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2005, 33(6): 683-687.

[8] van der MEER A B D. Mechanical strength of magnesium zinc ferrites for yokerings[C]//HIROSHI W. Ferrite: Proceedings of International Conference. Tokyo: D Reidel Publishing Company, 1980: 301-305.

[9] 赖延清, 张 勇, 张 刚, 李 劼, 贺跃辉, 黄伯云, 刘业翔. CaO掺杂对10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷烧结致密化的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2006, 16(8): 1355-1360.
LAI Yan-qing, ZHANG Yong, ZHANG Gang, LI Jie, HE Yue-hui, HUANG Bai-yun, LIU Ye-xiang. Effect of CaO doping on densification of 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2006, 16(8): 1355-1360.

[10] OLIVEIRA M, FERREIRA J MF. Structural and mechanical characterization of MgO, CaO and BaO doped aluminosilicate ceramics[J]. Mater Sci Eng, 2003, 34: 35-44.

[11] OLIVEIRA M, AGATHOPOULOS S, FERREIRA J M F. The influence of BaO additives on the reaction of Al2O3 ceramics with molten Al and Al-Si alloys[J]. Acta Materialia, 2002, 50: 1441-1451.

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YE Rui-lun, FANG Yong-han, LU Pei-wen. Physical chemistry of inorganic materials[M]. Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 1984.

[14] 张圣弼, 李道子. 相图-原理, 计算及在冶金中的应用[M]. 北京: 冶金工业出版社, 1986.
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[15] 施剑林. 固相烧结(Ⅰ)—气孔显微结构模型及热力学稳定性, 致密化方程[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 1997, 25(5): 499-513.
SHI Jian-lin. Solid state sintering(Ⅰ)—Pore micro structural model and thermodynamic stabilit, densification equations[J]. Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society, 1997, 25(5): 499-513.

[16] 施剑林. 固相烧结(Ⅱ)—粗化与致密化关系及物质传输途径[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 1997, 25(6): 657-668.
SHI Jian-lin. Solid state sintering(Ⅱ)—Relation between coarsening and densification and mass transport path[J]. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 1997, 25(6): 657-668.

[17] COBLE R L. Sintering crystalline solids(Ⅰ)—Intermediate and final state diffusion models[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 1961, 32(5): 787-792.

[18] COBLE R L. Sintering crystalline solids(Ⅱ)—Experimental test of diffusion models in powder compacts[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 1961, 32(5): 793-799.





(编辑 龙怀中)

摘  要:利用冷压—烧结技术制备BaO掺杂的10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷, 研究BaO 掺杂量及烧结温度对10NiO- NiFe2O4复合陶瓷物相组成、显微结构及致密度的影响。结果表明: 当BaO 掺杂量(质量分数)为0~4%时, 烧结样品中主要含NiO 和NiFe2O4,BaO与10NiO-NiFe2O4陶瓷组分反应并形成瞬时液相BaFe2O4和Ba2Fe2O5,且Ba2+ 固溶到基体中,促进致密化烧结,降低了烧结致密化温度;1 250 ℃烧结时,1% BaO 掺杂样品的相对密度最     大,达到98.90% ,比未掺杂样品的相对密度提高6.27%;但当BaO掺杂量为2%和4%时,陶瓷样品相对密度基本不变。

[1] PAWLEK R P. Inert anodes: an update[C]//Wolfgang Schneider Light Metals 2002. Warreudale PA, USA: TMS, 2002: 449-456.

[2] LI Jie, LAI Yan-qing, ZHOU Ke-chao, LI Zhi-you, LIU Ye-xiang. Preparation and preliminary testing of cermet inert anode for aluminum electrolysis[J]. Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China, 2003, 13(3): 663-670.

[3] KENIRY J. The economics of inert anodes and wettable cathodes for aluminum reduction cells[J]. JOM, 2001, 53(5): 43-47.

[4] SADOWAY D R. Inert anodes for the Hall-Héroult cell: The ultimate materials challenge[J]. JOM, 2001, 53(5) : 34-35.

[5] 席锦会, 姚广春, 刘宜汉, 谢英杰. 添加TiO2对镍铁尖晶石惰性阳极材料性能的影响[J]. 功能材料, 2006, 37(8): 1242-1245.XI Jin-hui, YAO Guang-chun, LIU Yi-han, XIE Ying-jie. Study on properties of inert anode of NiFe2O4 spinel with TiO2[J]. Journal of Functional Materials, 2006, 37(8): 1242-1245.

[6] 席锦会, 姚广春, 刘宜汉, 张晓明. 掺杂MnO2对铁酸镍陶瓷惰性阳极性能的影响[J]. 过程工程学报, 2006, 6(3): 495-498.XI Jin-hui, YAO Guang-chun, LIU Yi-han, ZHANG Xiao-ming. Effect of MnO2 doping on properties of nickel ferrite as inert anode[J]. The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering, 2006, 6(3): 495-498.

[7] 席锦会, 姚广春, 刘宜汉, 张晓明. V2O5对镍铁尖晶石烧结机理及性能的影响[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2005, 33(6): 683-687.XI Jin-hui, YAO Guang-chun, LIU Yi-han, ZHANG Xiao-ming. Effects of additive V2O5 on sintering mechanism and properties of nickel ferrite[J]. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2005, 33(6): 683-687.

[8] van der MEER A B D. Mechanical strength of magnesium zinc ferrites for yokerings[C]//HIROSHI W. Ferrite: Proceedings of International Conference. Tokyo: D Reidel Publishing Company, 1980: 301-305.

[9] 赖延清, 张 勇, 张 刚, 李 劼, 贺跃辉, 黄伯云, 刘业翔. CaO掺杂对10NiO-NiFe2O4复合陶瓷烧结致密化的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2006, 16(8): 1355-1360.LAI Yan-qing, ZHANG Yong, ZHANG Gang, LI Jie, HE Yue-hui, HUANG Bai-yun, LIU Ye-xiang. Effect of CaO doping on densification of 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2006, 16(8): 1355-1360.

[10] OLIVEIRA M, FERREIRA J MF. Structural and mechanical characterization of MgO, CaO and BaO doped aluminosilicate ceramics[J]. Mater Sci Eng, 2003, 34: 35-44.

[11] OLIVEIRA M, AGATHOPOULOS S, FERREIRA J M F. The influence of BaO additives on the reaction of Al2O3 ceramics with molten Al and Al-Si alloys[J]. Acta Materialia, 2002, 50: 1441-1451.

[12] 黄培云. 粉末冶金原理[M]. 第2版. 北京: 冶金工业出版社, 1997.HUANG Pei-yun. Powder metallurgical principle[M]. 2nd ed. Beijing: Metallurgical Industrial Press, 1997.

[13] 叶瑞伦, 方永汉, 陆佩文. 无机材料物理化学[M]. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 1984.YE Rui-lun, FANG Yong-han, LU Pei-wen. Physical chemistry of inorganic materials[M]. Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 1984.

[14] 张圣弼, 李道子. 相图-原理, 计算及在冶金中的应用[M]. 北京: 冶金工业出版社, 1986.ZHANG Sheng-bi, LI Dai-zi. Phase diagram–principle, calculation and application in metallurgy[M]. Beijing: Metallurgical Industrial Press, 1986.

[15] 施剑林. 固相烧结(Ⅰ)—气孔显微结构模型及热力学稳定性, 致密化方程[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 1997, 25(5): 499-513.SHI Jian-lin. Solid state sintering(Ⅰ)—Pore micro structural model and thermodynamic stabilit, densification equations[J]. Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society, 1997, 25(5): 499-513.

[16] 施剑林. 固相烧结(Ⅱ)—粗化与致密化关系及物质传输途径[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 1997, 25(6): 657-668.SHI Jian-lin. Solid state sintering(Ⅱ)—Relation between coarsening and densification and mass transport path[J]. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 1997, 25(6): 657-668.

[17] COBLE R L. Sintering crystalline solids(Ⅰ)—Intermediate and final state diffusion models[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 1961, 32(5): 787-792.

[18] COBLE R L. Sintering crystalline solids(Ⅱ)—Experimental test of diffusion models in powder compacts[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 1961, 32(5): 793-799.