

论文作者:潘应君 陈淑花 吴新杰 李平生 张细菊

文章页码:272 - 275

关键词:PCVD; Ti(CN)涂层; 抗氧化性

Key words:PCVD; Ti(CN) layer; anti-oxidation property

摘    要:应用PCVD技术,以金属有机物TPT作钛源在H13模具钢表面沉积Ti(CN)涂层,研究了不同工艺参数对涂层组织和性能的影响,并对涂层的抗氧化性进行了实验。结果表明,采用适当的沉积温度、压力及氮气流量,可以在H13钢表面得到以Ti(CN)为主的致密涂层,在沉积温度500℃时达到最高硬度HV1760,涂层在600℃以下具有良好的抗氧化性。

Abstract: Using organic-metallic compound TPT as the source of Ti , H13 mould steel was coated Ti(CN) layer by PCVD technique, the effects of coating technics on the structure and micro-hardness and the anti-oxidation property of Ti(CN) layer were investigated. The results show that under the appropriate temperature and pressure, one layer mostly of Ti(CN) is formed on the steel surface which has highest micro-hardness of HV1 760 at 500 ℃,and the anti-oxidation property of the layer is significant below 600 ℃.

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