Coarsening rate of microstructure in semi-solid aluminium alloys



文章页码:1672 - 1676

Key words:coarsening; semi-solid metal; 2014 alloy; recrystallisation and partial melting; cooling slope

Abstract: The rate of microstructural coarsening of recrystallisation and partial melting (RAP) and cooling slope (CS) processed materials in the semi-solid state is compared with rates found in the literature. The rate of coarsening depended on the liquid fraction but RAP route 2014 alloy with 37% liquid coarsened slightly more slowly than the CS route 2014 alloy with a lower liquid fraction of 17%, contrary to expectations. For the CS route, an increase in liquid fraction resulted in faster coarsening. A modified 2014 alloy with Fe, Mn and Zn stripped out of the composition gave a relatively high coarsening rate. The coarsening rate was also relatively high for CS 201 alloy in comparison with either RAP 2014 or CS 2014. Low coarsening rates are thought to be associated with the presence of particles which inhibit the migration of liquid film grain boundaries. This could be the result of pinning or of the liquid film impeding diffusion at the boundary.


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