

论文作者:丘克强 吴倩 湛志华

文章页码:1209 - 1215


Key words:vacuum pyrolysis; waste printed circuit boards; epoxy resin; liquid products; gas chromato-graph/-mass spectrometry(GC/MS); fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR)

摘    要:在真空条件下,应用程序升温的管式炉反应器对废弃电路板中环氧树脂热解规律进行研究,考察不同的热解终温、升温速率、真空度(压力)及保温时间等各种因素对产物产率的影响。此外,利用傅里叶红外(FT-IR)和气质联用(GC/MS)技术对热解油产物进行表征分析。实验结果表明:温度对产物产率的影响最大,升温速率、真空度及保温时间对热解产物产率也有重要影响。选择适当的热解温度(400~550 ℃)、升温速率(15~20 ℃/min)、真空度(压力15 kPa)及保温时间(30 min)有利于提高热解液体产品的产率;热解油的主要成分是酚类物质,其总含量为84.08%,其中,含溴化合物含量为15.34%。

Abstract: The effect of pyrolysis conditions on the products yield of epoxy resin in waste printed circuit boards was investigated using the vacuum pyrolysis oven heated by temperature controller. The effects of temperature, heating rate, pressure and reaction time on the yield of vacuum pyrolysis production were analyzed. In addition, the compositions of liquid products were analyzed by FT-IR and GC/MS. The experimental results show that temperature is the key factor in the vacuum pyrolysis process. At the same time, heating rate, pressure and rest time cannot be neglected. The optimisation conditions for the liquid yield from the vacuum pyrolysis process are as follows: temperature 400-550 ℃, heating rate 15-20 ℃/min, pressure 15 kPa, and reaction time 30 min. The main composition in the product yield is Phenolic organic compounds with the total of 84.08%, while considerable amount of brominated products is up to 15.34%, which lowers the value of liquid products.



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