

论文作者:郭庆涛 金俊泽 李廷举

文章页码:1112 - 1117

关键词:电磁力; 电磁净化; 非金属夹杂物

Key words:electromagnetic force; electromagnetic purification; nonmetallic inclusions

摘    要:为了更准确地分析高频交变电磁场对金属熔体中的非金属夹杂物的去除效果, 分别利用硅含量为18%、 12.6%和10% 3种铝硅合金所生成的尺寸为100、 50和10 μm的硅块来模拟非金属夹杂物以进行电磁净化实验研究。 实验证明: 生成的硅块可以更好地模拟金属液中单个的非金属夹杂物; 施加电磁场后发现, 电磁挤压力对单个尺寸在100和50 μm的非金属夹杂物的去除效果明显, 同时也可以去除10 μm左右的非金属夹杂物。

Abstract: To accurately analyze the eliminative effect of high frequency electromagnetic field on the nonmetallic inclusions in liquid metal, the electromagnetic eliminating experiments were made with 100, 50 and 10 μm primary Si produced by Al-Si alloys with Si content of 18%, 12.6% and 10% respectively, and was used to simulate the nonmetallic inclusions. The results show that the produced primary Si are more suitable to substitute the single nonmetallic inclusions in the molten alloys. Primary Si with size of 100, 50 μm can be wiped off evidently under electromagnetic force, similarly primary Si with size of 10 μm can also be eliminated.


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